Bill Clinton

Total votes: 3 (11%)
Total votes: 25 (89%)
Total votes: 28

Ex President: Bill Clinton

Gramsci wrote:.. but Bush even makes Carter seem a genius...

I was under the impression that Carter was a very intelligent person. I have studied very little on the subject and was too young at the time to pay attention so can someone please explain to me why Carter gets shit upon so much.

Clinton was the first presidential race in which I was able to vote. As a result, I paid a great deal of attention. His intelligence is impressive as are his oratorical skills, although I think he overused his folksy charm a bit. I don't agree with his military spending or the fact that he basically gave up on socialized health care but all in all I don't think he did a terrible job.


Ex President: Bill Clinton

It was under his watch that Free Trade got pushed through, something which I think damaged the country.
It was the Republicans who balanced the budget (something they threw out the window when they got the purse strings).
Some of his global policies were pretty weak.

All that said, he's probably the best president in my lifetime. I like him. I could imagine Bill and I being neighbors, and he lending me some charcoal for my grill, but not before checking out my wife's butt.

Ex President: Bill Clinton

Barbo wrote:
Gramsci wrote:.. but Bush even makes Carter seem a genius...

I was under the impression that Carter was a very intelligent person. I have studied very little on the subject and was too young at the time to pay attention so can someone please explain to me why Carter gets shit upon so much.

I don't know for sure why Carter gets shit on so much. He seems like a very intelligent person to me as well, much more so than Regan. I would guess it's because he didn't get re-elected, and after his loss we endured 16 years of republican presidents. I wonder how long we'll have a democratic office after Bush.

Ex President: Bill Clinton

NOT CRAP... boatload of waffles though.

He got lucky during his second term with the internet boom. People love to give him credit for this. A lot of Iraqi civilians were killed as a result of sanctions placed on Iraq (more than 300,000 by some estimates). A lot of people got put in jail under his administration, but hey, crime rates also declined.

He tried to stretch out a hand to the Republicans much too much. Fuck 'em, I say. How do you reason with a hardcore gun toting, abortion banning misogynist??? you can't. This approach only delays action and allows for some retarded discourse. I've read their position, it sucks... ok... DONE... NEXT!

That said, Clinton is probably the smartest president we've had in a long fucking time. Great speaker who CAN READ the reports given to him. Loved it when he tore Mike Wallace to shreds.

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