Live Sound
11After my internship is finished how much money should I expect for being a newbie sound guy at a bar\club?
Moderator: Greg
Barbo wrote:Plus, without it, I would have never had the courage to speak with Agostino when Bellini played
Barbo wrote:I would have never gotten to hear great stories from one of the Jesus Lizard's soundman Whitney (probably the best and most genuinely friendly touring soundman I met).
Barbo wrote:For those two reasons alone, it pretty much made up for any crap I ever had to deal with from Fishbone or ...trail of dead or any other terrible band that felt they deserved a lot more from life then they really did.
soul_rancher wrote:i have spent parts of the past 8 years working as a freelance live sound tech in a myriad of locations around my hometown. not being conversant in american rock customs, i can only rely on australia being an indicator. this said, live sound is relatively simple once you have experience. it can, however, be a thankless job.
expect substandard rigs with faulty wiring, bass-trap caverns that pass for clubs, house mics that have been used as footballs, monitors like nuclear powered AM radios. expect shitfaced punters cursing you out, telling you to play records, and occasionally throwing stuff in your general direction. you won't be able to avoid arsehole bands and managers who won't listen to reason or instructions, bands who can't play but are good folks. expect the occasional venue owner giving you the "you'll never work in this town again" speech because their 25 year old PA crossover decided to snuff it that night during the headliner's set. if you're really on fate's shitlist, you might have this all in one night.
on the upside, if you do a great job and the band sound great in spite of how many obstacles were overcome,.......virtually no one will notice. they'll all be congratulating the band.
i'm probably being a tad cynical.
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