What Are You Listening To Right This Second?

burun wrote:
warmowski wrote:A band called "Mew".

This is a very troubling record: a great set of tones, really great rhythm section and gently proggish riffs...but the songs all contain a Andrew Loyd Weber-meets-Golden Earring-meets-Asia epic synth climax so overwrought that it makes me want to brush my teeth.

Somehow, I can't stop playing it, I can't. God help me, I can't. If this doesn't end soon, I may interpretive-dance and nobody wants that.


I am so glad someone else admitted they were sort of addicted to them.

I couldn't deal with the slings and arrows.

It's good to not give a fuck and just like what you like... even if it's totally lame.

I'm loving this Mew record... RIGHT NOW!

I love the Rush circa 1985 keyboard parts :)... The opening riffage of this record reminded me of Bailter Space. Enigk-esque vocals... Notwist stye segues and production.

They mix well these elements.

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