Heavy Breathing?

Je t'aime (not crap)
Total votes: 7 (37%)
Moi non plus (crap)
Total votes: 12 (63%)
Total votes: 19

Song Feature: Sex Noises

Can go either way.

I loathe Donna Summer's song "Love To Love You" but I'm telling you, she sounds like she's delivering that from a genuine place.

Duran Duran's "Hungry Like The Wolf" doesn't bother me because it somehow fits the song, plus it's mixed low.

A song like Berlin's "Sex" is just lame. All that cooing, moaning, manipulated phrases that sound like "suck it," coupled with a Moroder-esque throb beat, while Terri Nun calls herself a slut and a geisha convinces me that it was a ploy to sell records. If that song had been about baking cakes nobody would have paid any mind to it.

And that's the test: how's the song without the sex noises? Is it sexy or good on it's own? The Donna Summer song slinks, The Duran Duran song is like any other decent 80's synth pop, the Berlin song sounds like a cokehead porn star's idea of music.

Itchy McGoo wrote:I would like to be a "shoop-shoop" girl in whatever band Alex Maiolo is in.

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