Foods You Hate


don't get me wrong, i like fruit *flavor*. cherry flavor is awesome. real cherries don't taste anything like cherry flavor, though. black cherry, raspberry... these are a couple of my favorite flavors in the whole wide world. actual raspberries come close to the wonder of raspberry flavor, but definitely fall short. if they could make fruit that tasted anywhere near as good as the flavors they can make... wow, i'd be eating fruit like mad.
LVP wrote:If, say, 10% of lions tried to kill gazelles, compared with 10% of savannah animals in general, I think that gazelle would be a lousy racist jerk.

Foods You Hate

ironyengine wrote:Marzipan, marzipan, marzipan.

I will try almost anything, and I generally can find something good to say about it. But this shit is completely devoid of palatability.

At home my mother coats her traditional Christmas fruit cake with a great marzipan icing. When I was a kid, only Santa's arrival would please me more than having an entire bar of marzipan stuffed in my mouth. I love the stuff.

Foods You Hate

Radishes have a nasty texture, but an ok taste I guess.

Brussels sprouts should be outlawed as a "holiday" vegetable.

I love sushi, but sea urchin tastes like poo.

Liver is the worst tasting meat in the world, except when used in a good pate.

Miracle Whip ain't so bad to me! The makers (Kraft?) used to run these silly faux-USA adverts for it in the UK and Ireland back when it came out in the 1980's. The advert showed this really busy (supposedly Manhattan) sandwich shop with all these business types coming in and demanding the server be "HEAVY on the Miracle Whip, buddy!". Convinced me to badger my mom to get some, and I like it to this day. Salut, Kraft marketing dept!

Foods You Hate

i can't believe the single most offensive food item in the world hasn't yet been discussed: the banana

here are the issues:

1. the smell. the gut wrenching smell. the smell is so abhorrent i'd rather spend time in a pit of a decomposing bodies.

2. the consistancy. baby food. mushy. like eating clay off the bottom of the lake, or if you're gg allin, like eating poo.

3. the color. is it bright yellow? is it a dull yellow? does it have spots? is it brown? make up your mind you sick fuck.

4. the shape. this curvy thing prompts such stupid jokes as the "telephone" - (hello?? hello?? i think it's for you.) and the sophmoric (not that i'm anything more than a first semester junior, if that) "pseudo dildo" (look! it's a fake penis! that girl is HOT!)

and to make matters worse, my girlfriend ate one this morning at breakfast on her cereal - nearly made me barf. i refuse to kiss her after she eats bananas.

post honeymoon | bang! bang! | new black

Foods You Hate


and don't think I haven't tried. I was incredibly jealous of the seed-spitting kids on my block; I wanted to spit seeds SO SO BAD - those little bastards were just flaunting the glories of seed-spitting. Fuckers.

The part I couldn't get past, though, was eating the watermelon to get to the seeds part. Still can't. Fruit salad? The damn watermelon taints the taste of the good cantaloupe, yet everyone insists on watermelon in the big bowl of otherwise-glorious cantaloupe, red grapes, honeydew, apples...mmmm.

The only thing worse than watermelon? Watermelon Jolly Ranchers.

Foods You Hate

Hey here I go:

raisins - I love the raisins only by themselves or in things that the texture of is denser than the raisins i.e.: Bagels or Raisin Bran. Hot or warm raisins are disgusting... like in stuffing or oatmeal.

Raw mushrooms - Taste like my basement floor. Only cooked are they edible.

Cooked Carrots - These are for babies. Raw only please

Cucumbers - Taste like old dirty water. I do however like cucumber soap or gazpacho.

zucchini - get those out there. they ruin most good mixed vegetable concoctions... like "the vegie-wrap" or "the vegie-burrito" they just get in the way.

Oh yeah Miracle Whip is for dicks.

I would also like to add that anybody who doesn't like these foods is an ASSHOLE:
pimento cheese
swiss cheese
bleu cheese
brussel sprouts
raw oysters
blue crab
soy sauce

Good Day,

Foods You Hate

About cucumbers:

The big nasty waxy pure evil cucumbers you find in the grocery store are fucking terrible.

I never liked cucumbers until I found the good ones in farmers' markets. I see them at grocery stores sometimes, and I think they refer to them as pickling (as in to pickle) cucumbers.

They're much smaller than the normal cucumber and taste really, really good - they have the gazpacho/tzatziki (Greek yogurt/cucumber dip) taste.

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