Aliens -- Crap or Not Crap?

The ultimate badass! Not crap!
Total votes: 20 (80%)
Nuke this crap movie from orbit.
Total votes: 5 (20%)
Total votes: 25

Movie: Aliens

Just so you know, I am gonna bump this like a sticky until I get an answer. I suggest you all dedicate your lives to finding this song online (I am doing the same) so that you may be free of the curse that is me. Beware! The clock is striking 13. Life as you knew it is over!

Movie: Aliens

crap compared to the first one... but thats not the poll.

Not crap. They could have done without all the scientific explanations of the weapons and such, destroys the atmosphere. Its like people in the future know you are watching and have to inform you of all their updated tech.

Movie: Aliens

I like all the Alien films but I like Alien the best, then Alien Resurrection, then Aliens, then Alien 3. I liked AR, although flawed, because of the look and the fact it didn't take itself too seriously; if you watch as a comedy after watching all the others it's very, very funny.

I'm not a big Jim Cameron fan and I agree with this:

atnight said:
Alien is great sci-fi masterpiece.

Aliens is decent action film based on great sci-fi masterpiece.

Both not crap.

Alien doesn't date at all IMO but I think Aliens and 3 have.

Not Crap!

Movie: Aliens


I've just watched Alien 3. It's the special edition version that is made from the workprint that David Fincher first gave to the studio.
I always thought this movie was CRAP but now I see it in a different light. The alien first bursts out of an Ox instead of the dog. Paul Mcgann has a much bigger role as the retarded prisoner and is pretty funny. And the ending is a whole lot better. It really is worth seeing.

I now give this movie NOT CRAP

Movie: Aliens

blinduncledallas wrote:NOT CRAP

I've just watched Alien 3. It's the special edition version that is made from the workprint that David Fincher first gave to the studio.
I always thought this movie was CRAP but now I see it in a different light. The alien first bursts out of an Ox instead of the dog. Paul Mcgann has a much bigger role as the retarded prisoner and is pretty funny. And the ending is a whole lot better. It really is worth seeing.

I now give this movie NOT CRAP

How the hell did I not know about this? To Netflix!
You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture

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