Suicide: Crap? Not Crap?

Total votes: 4 (13%)
Total votes: 27 (87%)
Total votes: 31

Crap- Not Crap: Suicide

gaetano wrote:but if you take in condiseration their other releases and the atrocious shows...crap.

i saw 'em in 2001 expecting them to be pretty they'd exclusively made bad music for the past 20 years or so...and while the music at the show was kind of cheesy, there was something completely unidnetifiable that made it one of the best shows i'd ever seen...Martin Rev just had the cheesy preset midi going and stood still arms akimbo looking "tough" and randomly hit the keyboard set to drum sounds...Alan Vega was of course screaming and running around...he rubbed my head and at the end i hi-five'ed 'em both...

of course the first album is one of the best records of all time...the second album's good but it was a fast slide into cheesy...the first album holds the weight of the rest of their career and Suicide is NOT CRAP...they could even put on a great show when by all means they should have been very very bad...
placeholder wrote:I'm in The Family Ghost. I don't like mentioning my band by name too much because I feel cheesy doing it.

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