Karl Rove s Freudian Slip? " Attacked in November"

Go ahead and watch past the 1:02 minute mark, too. It'll show you just how desperate these conspiracy kooks are for something, and how they'll take the smallest wrinkle out of context and make something of it. And because it doesn't happen now, it'll be because they've got such complete control over everything that they can cancel the false flag sneak attack because it got caught on C-Span and exploited on YouTube.

C'mon bob, there've actually been two posts of yours in the last few weeks where I thought you were spot on. This is rediculous though. You, like me, like everyone, like Rove, have misspoken when you knew exactly what you were talking about.
Our band.


Karl Rove s Freudian Slip? " Attacked in November"

A vs B wrote:I just wasted a minute of my life
he said the wrong month he was talking about 2001

this is so inane and moronic

Sorry about the minute. Freudian slips are not supposed to be indisputable proof of what someone is really thinking- they're supposed to make you curious about what may be in someone's subconscious. As I said in my first post, it was just something to look at, not something I was saying proved or predicted anything. Gulliver's intense hatred for me makes him ignore the caveats I gave, and to think that I was reporting it like it was a news story.

Again, sorry about that minute.

Karl Rove s Freudian Slip? " Attacked in November"

jongoodwin wrote:wasn't the USS Enterprise supposed to have taken the hit a couple of weeks ago now?

I haven't watched this tape though, I'm at work, so vcan't comment...

A rumor appeared predicting either the Enterprise or the Eisenhower would get hit on or near 10/23. Reporting a rumor as a rumor is reporting a rumor. Either it was a bad rumor, or the date has been changed, or the public airing caused a change of plans ( which would be great, if true ).

Gore Vidal gave a long radio interview last week, and he predicted that the US military would be much less susceptible to a false flag terror attack than they were on 9/11, because of anger in the officer class ( and the troops, obviously ) over how the military has been deployed since 9/11, as well as suspicions about the motives of the administration.

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