White Castle food makes me:

Total votes: 27 (64%)
Not happy
Total votes: 15 (36%)
Total votes: 42

food selling establishment: White Castle

Everything about White Castle is top-notch -- the oddly meticulous pricing ($0.69 for a jalapeno cheeseburger versus $0.67 for a regular cheeseburger), the packaging (Crave Cases, slyder boxes, etc.), the menu items (onion chips? chicken-ring sandwiches??), the self-depricating marketing, etc. . . .

Everything you could ever want from a restaurant . . . innovative (the first fast-food restaurant), delicious (have you tasted a jalapeno cheeseburger?), and quirky (you can buy a glow-in-the-dark pillow case from the Castle's website). What's not to like?

food selling establishment: White Castle

Sometimes I get in mind that I NEED to eat one.

The closest Castle to my apartment is (fittingly) close to the river and about three subway stops away. So it is not wise to go there after dark.

When the craving hits, nothing will help except the Castle. Sometimes this craving has hit after a large dinner.

I blame my cousin Scott for instiling the sneak-eating of Castles in me. I really do like the way they taste, but I also agree that this enjoyment is partly due to nostalgia value.

Hmm, I wonder if the one by Madison Square Garden is still there? I could grab some after work tonight...

EDIT: It is! I know where I'm going tonight...
I make music/I also make pretty pictures

food selling establishment: White Castle

White Castle is the Chicago Cubs of fast food. They suck, they've always sucked, they'll suck long after I'm dead & gone, but for some insane reason, I enjoy having them around. I never go to Cubs games & I never really eat at White Castle, but I was devastated when the location at Armitage & Western was bulldozed. I guess it had been there since my mom was a wee lass.

Fun fact: did you know White Castle was the first fast food restaurant?

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