Pitch me a movie

Alright, pitch me a movie.
Walk into my office sit down and pitch me your idea for a film.


Ok, there's a guy and his skin is bright yellow....he has like, a dog or a cat or somethin...I'm thinking a cat...anyway, we can hear the cat thinking...you know, like voice overs....the cat comments on this yellow skinned dude's life as he go thru different adventures...well not adventures, he just lives an people mess with him and stuff...the yellow skinned dude ends up saving some kids in a fire and becomes a hero, people stop messing with him....the cat, I don't know what the cats ends up doing...the script has the cat killing the yellow dude at the end, but we may change that...
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Pitch me a movie

hayseedboys wrote:wel, i have an ider about a trucker who rapes an entire town...

I'm liking what I'm hearing so far....but how about this, how about instead of a trucker it's a little boy and instead of a town it's a talking dolphin and he dosen't rape it, he rides on it....and there are poachers after the dolphin and they have to get away....I love it! Who do I make the check out to?
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Pitch me a movie

well see.. there's more to it than that... see the trucker turns into two people at some point and they start raping the whole town as a team... i have the barbarian twins in mind... and joe pesci tags along and makes comments and generally accomidates all their needs... such as assistance with regards to pickle insertions.. i already have an idea involving a dolphin that is a whole story in itself.. it involves steven seagal killing the entire world with his bare hands while hoping around from place to place... beating old ladies with dolphins is essential, and i'm sure he's gunna be particularly fond of one dolphin and use it over and over again until it's a bloody mess. and maybe a little kid cums up to him and forms a plea "steven seagal, why ar u killing all these people?" to which seagals response is to rip the little kids head off... i think maybe dolphins ar sexy, so i don't know.. they definitely have a use..

Pitch me a movie

hayseedboys wrote:well see.. there's more to it than that... see the trucker turns into two people at some point and they start raping the whole town as a team... i have the barbarian twins in mind... and joe pesci tags along and makes comments and generally accomidates all their needs... such as assistance with regards to pickle insertions.. i already have an idea involving a dolphin that is a whole story in itself.. it involves steven seagal killing the entire world with his bare hands while hoping around from place to place... beating old ladies with dolphins is essential, and i'm sure he's gunna be particularly fond of one dolphin and use it over and over again until it's a bloody mess. and maybe a little kid cums up to him and forms a plea "steven seagal, why ar u killing all these people?" to which seagals response is to rip the little kids head off... i think maybe dolphins ar sexy, so i don't know.. they definitely have a use..

A+ for originality, F- for sanity.

Pitch me a movie

hayseedboys wrote:well see.. there's more to it than that... see the trucker turns into two people at some point and they start raping the whole town as a team... i have the barbarian twins in mind... and joe pesci tags along and makes comments and generally accomidates all their needs... such as assistance with regards to pickle insertions.. i already have an idea involving a dolphin that is a whole story in itself.. it involves steven seagal killing the entire world with his bare hands while hoping around from place to place... beating old ladies with dolphins is essential, and i'm sure he's gunna be particularly fond of one dolphin and use it over and over again until it's a bloody mess. and maybe a little kid cums up to him and forms a plea "steven seagal, why ar u killing all these people?" to which seagals response is to rip the little kids head off... i think maybe dolphins ar sexy, so i don't know.. they definitely have a use..

I'd go to see that movie. Maybe David Lynch can direct?

Pitch me a movie

hayseedboys wrote:naw man, there is much more to it than that. for example, the end of the movie is the two twins sitting on a curb questioning whether they did something wrong- and then they flex and explode - the end.. this is a real movie idea... and fuck anyone with stoopid comments

like I said too ethnic, we are trying to get people to actually come and see this thing remember?

Who else has something for me? I feel like writing some checks
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

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