Cubase or Digital Performer

Cubase sucks. Stay the hell away from that program. I haven't used it since version 5, but I thought it was horrible. Too much dicking around inside yer computer to make it work.

Try Sony's Vegas. It's way more powerful and not nearly as fussy about yer computer configuration. Minus-only for windows.

Pro Tools? If yer computer is "compatible" with the list you see on their website you are up and rolling. My rig has been worry free for going on four years. As far as I remember ADC is an issue with UAD and other assorted cards.

Cubase or Digital Performer

eliya wrote:Side Chain, Grouping, Moving plugins between inserts, audio importing, these are really basic functionalities.

Logic has some sort of delay compensation, but not sure about it since the last time I used logic was long ago.
I also vote samplitude, but the guy said he's using mac..

It really depends on what you are doing, and what you have 'grown up' with. I use Cubase, and when I have tried to use Logic, it drives me beyond fucking crazy. There is not objective measure, as far as I can see, and for the purposes I want to put my sequencer to, to rate Cubase v Logiv v DP v Sonar v PT etc.

My advice: try a bunch of them, and then buy the one you like. My only experience that's any use to a new DAW user is this: if you hate it at first, you're gonna go fucking mental once you pay $500 and still hate it.
Someone wants to search my house...what's a reasonable response to that? I know, I'll grab a fucking gun and threaten to kill them, at the end of the day everyone will be happy. Your mindset is fucked and you live in a dream world.

Cubase or Digital Performer

eliya wrote:Side Chain, Grouping, Moving plugins between inserts, audio importing, these are really basic functionalities.

'Grouping'? In what sense does Cubase no handle 'grouping'?

Importing works flawlessly AFAIK.

Moving plugins is also working perfectly in the current version.

Side chaining works perfectly in the current versions AFAIK (with VST3 plugins).

I don't really understand your critisms of Cubase...

Logic has some sort of delay compensation, but not sure about it since the last time I used logic was long ago.

If Logic has delay compensation then it's pretty new, perhaps i missed it. Even so they were very, very late to the party.

I also vote samplitude, but the guy said he's using mac..

Samplitude runs well on the boot-thingy-thingy apparently (I dunno what sort of voodoo goes on with these Macs)...the Mac Windows thingy...

Cubase or Digital Performer

Grouping. If you have 3 groups. X, Y and Z. You can send group X to group Y to group Z. you can't send Z to Y, or Z to X, or Y to X. you just can't send backwards.

Importing in the sense of importing two mono files and making them a stereo file(again, Im not talking about a stereo interleaved file).

Like I said in my first post, only now cubase realized that moving plugins between inserts is vital.

Lots of plugins vendors haven't stepped up to VST 3.

Also I find the editing tools of cubase very confusing and irritating(shorting an audio region and such).
But like you said, some can't stand logic and swear by cubsae, and vise versa.

Basically, macs are pc's now. then there should be no problem using mac as a pc, but boot-camp is still in development. Besides, why buying a mac if you going to turn it into a pc? just buy a pc.

Cubase or Digital Performer

I'd take Eliya's advice since he works in the DAW software industry and has used many different applications, although I agree with everyone else too.

I think the majority of disagreement here is due to the variations in software versions - we're probably all referring to different versions of each software which is confusing.

I do find Cubase easy to use, to the point where I don't have to think about what I'm doing - I just do it. But, it seems some people just don't find it the same way. I've naturally made my own work-arounds for any lack of facilities.

I think the software name "Logic" is a bit ironic.

CR and Eliya's recommendation od Samplitude is valuable though - it looks fantastic (I've only used it a few times) and it kind of feels like Cubase but better. I also like the fact that it was originally written for Amiga only.

I just don't like much about Pro-tools though.

Try them out though - download some demos or whatever.

Cubase or Digital Performer

Rodabod wrote:Try them out though - download some demos or whatever.

Best advice of thread.

I am a Nuendo user, and since the recent versions of Cubase SX are nearly identical to that app, I'm tempted to believe that's what I would end up using were I starting out. Nuendo is currently cost prohibitive for just about anyone these days and doesn't offer much that Cubase SX doesn't... I got in while it was cheap and fortunately the upgrade paths have been affordable. The audio engine sounds great, the editing is intuitive and powerful, routing is flexible, unlimited undo, offline processing (wiht unlimited undo), track effect freeze ... I could go on and on.

I haven't tried them all, but of the ones I've tried (ProTools, Logic, Vegas, Samplitude and Sonar), Nuendo is easily my favorite of the bunch and I have no desire to switch to anything else.

But don't take my word for it -- try at least as many apps as I have and get the one that gets in your way the least.

Cubase or Digital Performer

I have found that the mid-entry level hardware that utilizes digital performer to be far superior to that which utilizes pro tools. and i've said it before here, MOTU is a good company even if a bit hard to contact. they don't have massive amounts of "consumer as criminal" DRM and harebrained licensing schemes for their software. this makes portability of files across multiple computers easy to deal with. Digi's got the 002, which is OK, but the 896HD is a far better device in my opinion.. plus you aren't locked into using PT. God forbid you use a plug-in on one computer with ProTools and expect portability. You'll be lucky if you launch the file on another computer (in my experience..)

I think the positive aspect of owning a MacTel (Intel-based Mac) is that you have the option of running apps that are either Mac or PC (either through Boot Camp or Parallels Desktop- a superb app BTW). While I would tend to agree that if you are getting a Mactel just to turn it into a PC and never use the Mac OS side of things, then just buy a Dell. But I like the Mac OS version of AudioDesk-Digital Performer and even Garage Band for sketching out ideas on the fly and I don't really think there are compatible simplistic tools for the PC that are quite as elegant. True that Logic is not easy to learn, but once you do, it's well worth it- and since it is Mac only, i think that answers the computer I need to have to be productive.

Cubase or Digital Performer

Motu is the gayest acronym out there.

I mean really.......

Anyway, I vote DP. I bought a used 1224 a couple of years back, not expecting much.

I've found myself pleasantly surprised with the recordings it's produced. I use it and Dp 3.11 to just record. That's it. No plugins/effects. In fact, the recordings I've loved have been done with the 1224 and two 58's.

Oh the shame.

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