The best Rolling Stones album is obviously

Total votes: 3 (7%)
Between the Buttons
Total votes: 1 (2%)
Their Satanic Majesties Request
Total votes: 3 (7%)
Beggars Banquet
Total votes: 7 (16%)
Let it Bleed
Total votes: 10 (22%)
Sticky Fingers
Total votes: 6 (13%)
Exile on Main Street
Total votes: 10 (22%)
Total votes: 5 (11%)
Total votes: 45

Yer favorite Stones album

Exile is just so ballsy for 1973. They're the biggest band in the world, Led Zeppelin and The Who are aggressively trying to take that title from them, and while those bands are making a sound that seems to get more orchestral, dense, and indulgent, the Stones put out a record that sounds like you're sitting in their living room while they write songs.

I think Sticky Fingers is best performed Stones album, but I just admire Exile for so many reasons. It's a reminder that they were ahead of everyone at that time in terms of songwriting and album craft ingenuity.

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