tom waits

cutting edge alt rock shamen
Total votes: 59 (81%)
boring pretentious sinatra/bukowski love child
Total votes: 14 (19%)
Total votes: 73

Tom Waits

King of Kings.
As good as it gets.
Just sample these lyric excerps:

If there's one thing you can say
About Mankind
There's nothing kind about man
You can drive out nature with a pitch fork
But it always comes roaring back again

Misery's the River of the World
Misery's the River of the World
Everybody Row! Everybody Row!

Definitely NOT CRAP. Basically as NOT CRAP as they come.

Tom Waits

Tom Waits albums getting me through the night by articulating my drunken sadness as one of my good friends had sex with the love of my life in the NEXT BEDROOM: Not Crap

Tom Waits coming to the UK for the first time in ages and the tickets a) selling out in 4 seconds and b) costing £70 anyway and c) now being on ebay for about £400: CRAP

Tom Waits

not crap.
the new record is really good.
just got the promo copy and its got a hidden track, kind of.
probably my favorite musician, next to charlie parker and sinatra.
i like the newer waits, from rain dogs forward, but there are so many old songs i couldnt live without......rubys arms, enough to make me weep.
he has been putting classified ads in papers around the country with the lyrics to some of the new songs, brilliant.
waits is the last of the beats.
waits blog, lots of current info, like the outrages $ some bastards are getting for tix.....i hope he tours NA, more extensively then previous tours.......i may be coming to chicago to see him if he plays there......

starving in the belly of a whale. poor edward.

Tom Waits

His early records are full of embarrassing, almost minstrel-show level, imitations of true geniuses like Louis Armstrong (see his painful cover of "Somewhere" on Blue Valentine).

His later records got marginally more interesting due to the good taste of his wife, who made him listen to Beefheart and wrote some good lyrics for him.

I get the impression that Tom Waits is probably a good guy with a sense of humor, but as a musician/artist he is the definitive charlatan.


Tom Waits

Tom Waits is Americas greatest living ARTIST . He is not a parody a perversion or a nostalgic throwback. Tom Waits Concieved, Created, and fully.. mind ,body, and soul... became, lives as and IS this person we know as Tom Waits in order to make Tom Waits music.
Tom Waits is King Shit of Fuck Mountain
Tom Waits is King of all Music.
He is the master.
He is the only all original and the keeper of great trditions.
.......of the BLUE HUMOURS

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