Flaneur wrote:Little detail from my day yesterday: I nearly got shot. I was standing in a bus shelter at the corner of Fulton and Damen, 9:30 or so last night. I hear a little pop no louder than a firecracker from a passing car, and the middle of the three plexiglass columns at the back of the shelter shatters in a fraction of a second. But hey! I live to see more little details today!
P.S. After not getting shot, I try calling my two closest friends, and they are on the phone with each other and not picking up until I call again the third time. I hardly ever interrupt calls to take another call, but now I will do so if the person calls back three times in a row.
Holy shit.
Congratulations on not getting capped.
I think the 'repeated call is important' thing has seeped into general use.
I am often unreachable on my mobile phone. This is b/c I do not answer it if I am doing something else. If I was compelled to answer it, then I probably would not have one.