It is kind of strange, but it's economics that largely fuels recruiting, not patriotism- just like every bus boy and grape picker is Latino, so are the grunts of the Army. Desperate people take dangerous low-paying jobs. During Vietnam, the blacks were over-represented in the casualties. Now, it's the browns. Watch the rundowns of the dead soldiers on Jim Lehrer's news- every other casualty is a Latino from the American southwest ( the other former surprise in the victim count is the number of dead between 30 and 40, even older on occasion- men from the reserves or the National Guard; good thing those flag-draped coffins are off-limits for TV ).
These are from 2004 data- I found them with a quick search.
Foreign-born in US military. ( This is not really accurate, if you want to know how many illegal immigrants are being converted into military as payment for citizenship, obviously .)
Pretty much instant citizenship. Gotta make them quotas.
For the foreign born serving in the armed forces, the traditional five-year waiting period to apply for citizenship has been waived by a July 2002 executive order.
Foreign-born members of the military can apply for US citizenship without the mandatory five-year waiting period. In general, when the foreign born apply for citizenship, there is a five-year waiting period from the time they get their "green cards" until they can apply to become naturalized US citizens.
Under previous rules, the five-year period was reduced to three years for military members. Since a July 3, 2002 executive order, there has been no mandatory waiting period for military personnel. The naturalization process typically takes eight to 10 months from the time an application is submitted until the oath of citizenship is administered.
Thanks for dying for us, Mexicans!