Black Flag fucking sucks.

There is a lot of terrible black flag material. The only album (on cd at least) that I can stand all the way through is Who's Got the Ten and a Half? That one is gold. They are fucking livid. Henry gives Kira all kinds of shit. Its funny and sad.

First Four Years is good for about five songs. Then it sucks even worse then My War. I'm not a machine! I'm not a machine! I'm not a machine! I'm not a machine! Way to prove a point.

Black Flag fucking sucks.

What, you've never been poor, fighting drunk, and pissed? I love Black Flag, although I haven't listened to them for, like, a hundred years.

Always been a big fan of the Greg 'rabid cat taped-to-the-guitar' solos. Who cares if you can play?

Oh, wait, Gone. He CAN play. Still like the Black Flag solos better.

Black Flag fucking sucks.

On the other side of my Damaged tape were select cuts from Zep 4. Yeah, Zeppelin. Now those guys played like their coke dealers life depended on it Cause it did. I remember reading Rollins' Get In the Van book where he says something like,"I fuckin hated that Kira bitch...but I sure respect her."
Good times.[/quote]

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