Bush wants to " expand" the military.

All these fucking talks about war, but seriously how many of you are willing to go to war to protect your fucking country ??

Not me! But, I also don't agree with the premise of your question. This war isn't about "protecting your fucking country" it's about money and the consolidation of US control in the Middle East, I'm not willing to go to war for that. As for "protecting your fucking country", that's what the Iraqis are busy doing.

Bush wants to " expand" the military.

jak wrote:
All these fucking talks about war, but seriously how many of you are willing to go to war to protect your fucking country ??

Not me! But, I also don't agree with the premise of your question. This war isn't about "protecting your fucking country" it's about money and the consolidation of US control in the Middle East, I'm not willing to go to war for that. As for "protecting your fucking country", that's what the Iraqis are busy doing.

So, we should pity of those stupid men & women who are fooled going to the war to 'protect their fucking country' then ?

What's next ? Petition people NOT going to the war.
Tell them 'it's about money and the consolidation of US control in the Middle East' to the new recruits ?
Would they listen to you ?

....& cocend is BOOMBATS !

Bush wants to " expand" the military.

coceng wrote:
jak wrote:
All these fucking talks about war, but seriously how many of you are willing to go to war to protect your fucking country ??

Not me! But, I also don't agree with the premise of your question. This war isn't about "protecting your fucking country" it's about money and the consolidation of US control in the Middle East, I'm not willing to go to war for that. As for "protecting your fucking country", that's what the Iraqis are busy doing.

So, we should pity of those stupid men & women who are fooled going to the war to 'protect their fucking country' then ?

What's next ? Petition people NOT going to the war.
Tell them 'it's about money and the consolidation of US control in the Middle East' to the new recruits ?
Would they listen to you ?

Tell you what. Organize an army, put on a uniform, and invade/occupy/whatever-euphemism-you-like the borders containing the people I value. At that point I will do my best to erase your face with a shotgun. Until then, shut the fuck up.

Bush wants to " expand" the military.

So, we should pity of those stupid men & women who are fooled going to the war to 'protect their fucking country' then ?

Those are your words, not mine. I personally know two people who are fighting in Iraq, and both, are from my home states National Guard. Neither of them ever dreamed (when they signed up) that they would be called to serve in Iraq. They are not stupid people, they SEE what's going on over there.

If you feel so strongly about all of this, I'm sure that you could be over there participating in a few short months. Unless you're "too smart" to be bothered. Maybe you're a slacker too, and just like to talk about it.

I know where you're coming from when you take offense to people intimating that the soldiers over there are "stupid." But, it's also simplifying matters to assume that every soldier believes the party line about why they are there. As I said earlier, they see what's happening first hand.

Bush wants to " expand" the military.

As the Dems squabble about funding, the surge is now being implemented, it will eventually total 48,000 new troops ( current estimate ), and this extension of duty seems to be about the last possible step to keeping troop levels up short of a draft:
April 11, 2007 — - ABC News has learned that the Pentagon is considering extending the tours of duty for every active duty soldier in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Forget small extensions and trickles of National Guard troops. Under the proposal, deployments for active duty soldiers would be extended from the current 12 months to 15 months. Senior Defense Department officials say the idea has already been presented to Defense Secretary Gates. A decision is expected as early as this week.

"You're all staying." Watch for more friendly fire deaths, more AWOL's, more conscientious objectors, and more cases of battle-stressed soldiers wiping out civilians when they snap.

I can't believe a one billion payment in bonuses to soldiers is even news, with the rape of the military budget accomplished by Halliburton and Blackwater and Bechtel:
WASHINGTON - The struggle to entice Army soldiers and Marines to stay in the military, after four years of war in Iraq, has ballooned into a $1 billion campaign, with bonuses soaring nearly sixfold since 2003.

The size and number of bonuses have grown as officials scrambled to meet the steady demand for troops on the battlefields in Iraq and Afghanistan and reverse sporadic shortfalls in the number of National Guard and Reserve soldiers willing to sign on for multiple tours.

US forces have fired so many bullets in Iraq and Afghanistan - an estimated 250,000 for every insurgent killed - that American ammunition-makers cannot keep up with demand. As a result the US is having to import supplies from Israel.

I wonder if these are bullets we bought for Israel being sold back to the US for a profit?- CB

A government report says that US forces are now using 1.8 billion rounds of small-arms ammunition a year. The total has more than doubled in five years, largely as a result of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as changes in military doctrine.

Bush wants to " expand" the military.

The insanity continues. Dana Perino said Tuesday that the surge is in reponse to polls of Americans who asked for change in Iraq policy!
raw story 4-10-07 wrote:White House: The American people have wanted change in Iraq, and they got it

Filling in for the cancer-stricken Tony Snow at Tuesday's press briefing, White House Deputy Press Secretary Dana Perino defended President Bush's escalation or "surge" strategy as a response to polls indicating that a majority of Americans were disapproving of the Administration's handling of the war in Iraq and sought a new direction.

"The American people have wanted change in Iraq, and they got it," Perino said. "The president announced a new policy on January 10th that was quite different and divergent from where we were before."

See? It's our fault. We asked for more troops and longer tours, and Bush heard us and gave it to us!

Bush wants to " expand" the military.

clocker bob wrote:The insanity continues. Dana Perino said Tuesday that the surge is in reponse to polls of Americans who asked for change in Iraq policy!
raw story 4-10-07 wrote:White House: The American people have wanted change in Iraq, and they got it

Filling in for the cancer-stricken Tony Snow at Tuesday's press briefing, White House Deputy Press Secretary Dana Perino defended President Bush's escalation or "surge" strategy as a response to polls indicating that a majority of Americans were disapproving of the Administration's handling of the war in Iraq and sought a new direction.

"The American people have wanted change in Iraq, and they got it," Perino said. "The president announced a new policy on January 10th that was quite different and divergent from where we were before."

See? It's our fault. We asked for more troops and longer tours, and Bush heard us and gave it to us!

Oh, come on. Bush and his cronies really believe that the reason people here want out of Iraq is because people really want more troops there? Are they (the Shrubs) really that cynical, or are the people really that stupid? I don't think I've ever heard anybody say, where I work, or on the street, or among people I know otherwise, that sending more people in is a good idea.

Bush obviously has a hearing problem. Perhaps he should get the shit out of his ears.

Bush wants to " expand" the military.

Mark Hansen wrote:
Oh, come on. Bush and his cronies really believe that the reason people here want out of Iraq is because people really want more troops there?

That's not how their scary minds work. Here's how they make propaganda like this:

First, they reduce what the voters asked for to: 'change'- short and sweet. They leave out the part about 'bring the troops home'; they just make it into 'change'. Once the voters' request is reinterpreted by their insane commander and Karl Rove as 'change', then they can do anything with that request! A surge becomes 'change'. Extended tours are 'change'. Take it into Bill O'Reilly world: "You asked for change, America, and now you're getting it! Tell me where I'm wrong!"- imaginary Bill O'Reilly.

Are they (the Shrubs) really that cynical, or are the people really that stupid?

All of that. Every day that they muddy the public dialogue with their Orwellian newspeak postpones their day of reckoning. It's a bullshit factory. They're not going to start producing bouquets of roses on April 11, 2007.

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