Your favorite photographers

Just today, I saw some great photographs that Edward Weston and Tina Modotti took in Mexico in the early 20s.

Walker Evans is one of my favorite artists of any medium.

I second the Arbus.

Robert Mapplethorpe did some incredible work.

Photography, as an art form, holds little interest for me.

Your favorite photographers

Angus Jung wrote:Robert Mapplethorpe did some incredible work.

I read a Mapplethorpe biography, which left me with very little love for the guy and his work, unfortunately.

I saw a great exhibtion of Paris at Night by [url=ï]Brassaï[/url], a while back, that impressed me. Lots of ghostly and haunting night-time images of the city.

Don McCullin's documentary photos have always moved me: his shell-shocked soldier, tramps in Whitechapel and flood victims in Bangladesh.

Weegee is great too.

I also saw a great show of Picasso's photography, where he was painting with lightbulbs.


A friend was telling me that Lothar-Gunther Buchheim, who wrote Das Boot, was a wartime photographer on U-Boats and documented to only known photos of a U-boat crew in action...he was saying they are fantastic. There is a book availiable called U-Boat War.

There is no comparable record of the war at sea - especially the U-Boat war at sea, if only because no similar collection of photographs exist. The author, who was not a submariner, was ordered to join the crew of a U-Boat and to bring back photographs for propaganda purposes. Very soon he became appalled by what he saw and, using his unlimited stocks of film, began to photograph everything around him. Eventually he secreted away over 5,000 photographs until the war was over.

I also found out that Lothar-Gunther Buchheim owns one of the most complete collections of German expressionist art in the world.
Last edited by Cranius_Archive on Sun Dec 31, 2006 9:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

Your favorite photographers

noise&light wrote:
Cranius wrote:I also saw a great show of Picasso's photography, where he was painting with lightbulbs.


WOW! I never knew that he did this. This is incredible.

What is the sound that occurs when your mind is blown?

I think its a pop...followed by tinkling glass.

Yeah, the photos demonstrated his ability to be an outstanding artist in every medium. The show also inlcuded many photos of him in amusingly high-waisted ultra-large y-fronts.

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