Little details from your day

cwiko wrote:I'm thinking I'll need stitches, but I've heard that after 24 hours or so, they're not practical anymore. Plus I don't have health insurance.

You really should see a doctor. If that wound gets infected it won't be pretty. I'll bet that owing money to a hospital is a lot better than losing an eye. Unless, of course, you want to look like a pirate.

Little details from your day

Plus, it's above my eyebrow...if by some horrifc chance (i keep my injuries, rare though they may be, well cleansed) it does get infected, I seriously doubt I'll lose my eye.

Unless you have some kind of medical expertise, please don't try to frighten me into getting myself into more debt.

But thanks for your concern!

Little details from your day

cwiko wrote:Plus, it's above my eyebrow...if by some horrifc chance (i keep my injuries, rare though they may be, well cleansed) it does get infected, I seriously doubt I'll lose my eye.

Unless you have some kind of medical expertise, please don't try to frighten me into getting myself into more debt.

But thanks for your concern!

Not trying to scare you. I've just seen it happen.

Last year, a cousin of mine punched some drunk redneck that was harassing his girlfriend. He walked away with a puncture in his hand from said redneck's teeth. Even though he cleaned the wound, a couple of days later a nasty infection ran all the way up his forearm. They had to cut out the infection and well, needless to say, it wasn't pretty.

Yes, fists are cleaner than the mouth of a redneck. But if the cut is that deep and you are still bleeding, I would have someone look at it.



Little details from your day

Marsupialized wrote:
cwiko wrote:I got beat up pretty bad last night. After a few bars, went to a friend of a friend's place & wound up at the business end of some dudes fists. Here's how the story was related to me by a friend who was there, as I was far too drunk to really accurately remember (new year's resolution now has become to quit fucking drinking, except with meals):

Whole bunch of us out on back porch smoking, conversing & drinking. Dude who handed me my ass raises a toast to a dead friend. I allegedly say 'fuck that guy.' Ass whupper says something like 'what??!!! fuck you! take that shit right back you jagoff!' My buddy hears this shit & races over to see what was the matter. He tells me to apologize. I flat out refuse. Ass whupper clocks me right above my left eye & in left cheek. Apparently he's right-handed.

I get in zero punches (far too drunk to be any good at fighting which i fucking suck at anyway). I get led away into a bathroom by buddy. I check out the damage in the mirror. Fuck! This ass whupper has opened up a vicious cut over my left eye, probably about 2.5 inches long & almost a 1/4" deep!! Blood everywhere. Left cheek swollen. Left eyelid turning black & blue & swelling. Blood continues to pour out. To this very minute, I'm soaking through the two bandages it takes to cover this nasty motherfucker of a wound.

I'm thinking I'll need stitches, but I've heard that after 24 hours or so, they're not practical anymore. Plus I don't have health insurance. My back also hurts like the dickens, so I'm thinking he also got in a nice kidney shot as well. That dude's a damn good fighter, as it turns out.

Thing is, that comment I allegedly made (i use alleged b/c i honestly don't remember ANY of this & my buddy heard the ass whupper's version of events) makes no sense at all. It would've been completely out of character of me to say something like that in that particular instance & especially b/c I don't even know either the ass whupper or his dead comrade. I'm thinking I may have had a conversation going on the side w/someone else & was talking about somebody completely differently when this dude (who i'm assuming was also drunk) overheard me & thought I was talking about his toastee. Ah well, what's done is done, but boy, this fucking thing bleeds. And it's gonna leave one helluva scar.

Happy fucking New Year.

This is good shit. A toast to you.

I'm tempted to start a drunk story thread, but I post here too much as it is. This reminds me of the time...long ago, when I was WAY into Leroux 100 proof Peppermint Schnapps...where apparently I blacked out right when some dude showed up at a friend of mine's home - after just getting out of prison. I immediately whipped it out of my pants, screamed something to the effect of 'I'M GONNA FUCK YOU IN THE ASS!', and chased the dude out of house and yard. Please note that this is far from normal sober behavior for me. Now, bear in mind, I'm a skinny guy, and this poor ex-con was big, and probably didn't have a great time in the pen, if you know what I mean.

Next time I'm hanging out at the same house, that guy shows up. I'm not whacko drunk, so I just start being friendly, like normal. I have no idea who he is. He starts remembering who I am (an obviously laborious process, mixing the cognitive dissonance of our last engagement with my normal, respectful demeanor), and eventually a big brawl results, with big sticks, several buddies, and me getting pelted and cowering in some shed somewhere.

I can't drink anymore (diabetes). That's probably for the best.

Little details from your day

all those stories made me realise i have never engaged in a fight while being drunk. i once punched and threw one competely drunken guy into the ground but that wasn't a big achievement as i was after about 2 beers and he couldn't walt straight, plus i was taller and a lot heavier than him. still, it was a great feeling. but i've never had a serious fight which means i have to be pretty lucky since going on and on about how lame astronauts are (total not crap, by the way*) sounds a lot like drunken me.

*the story, not the astronauts.

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