Your favorite photographers

i recently saw the arbus exhibit in minneapolis and was COMPLETELY blown away by it. i have to say that it was probably the best museum/gallery/opening show i have ever seen (and i go to quite a few in nyc). i've always been a huge fan of hers but to see such a collection was really powerful. it blew cindy sherman's last show to fuckin' smithereens.
i swear this is the last time i post here.

Your favorite photographers

Schaal wrote:I'm a big fan of Paul Shambroom's photos.

A lot of those look severely messed with (digitally). Are they? Some almost look like the backgrounds are matte paintings. Sometimes the people look either photoshopped in or like cardboard cutouts. The portraits and especially the Meetings series.




Untitled (Peacekeeper missile W87/Mk-21 Reentry Vehicles (warheads) in storage, F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Cheyenne, Wyoming),
Last edited by garble_Archive on Tue Jan 02, 2007 10:55 am, edited 2 times in total.

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