by Ford_Archive
Smirking, hypocritical, narcissistic dilettante with no demonstrated grasp of "facts" and a genuine commitment to nothing. The voice of a cynical demographic who are at home with the idea of the world being a colossal joke, and who aren't interested in why.
I feel he does an actual disservice to the "left" by articulating its positions as a string of snide putdowns directed towards the opposition while offering little or nothing to back his views. Said putdowns tend to lack the flair one might expect from an imaginative eighth-grader; how so many can be hoodwinked into thinking that calling your adversary a dick is some sort of rhetorical checkmate is something which astounds me. All I can suppose is that there's a lot of people out there who are easily impressed.
Stewart's apologists point out that his show is merely entertainment and not meant to be taken seriously, therefore, it shouldn't be held to general standards of journalism or public debate. Chickenshit. that's the fig leaf which is conveniently brandished whenever whichever half-baked argument of his can go no further. This is the cowardly mechanism by which it is deemed acceptable to interrupt an answer being truthfully given or to hijack a factual trump card with a rejoinder. When he's losing, he's merely a clown. When he's winning, it is the very basis of that which makes the humour humourous that he's winnowing through the crap and offering his viewers some version of truth. He positions himself as a pundit. He offers criticisms and opinions - if you can call doing something like quoting Rove and then staring into the camera with one of those cute "you-gotta-be-kidding-me" looks and waiting for laughs an opinion.
But upon what does he predicate his smarty-pants rights? I've never seen him corner anybody with reason, however I have seen him Uncle Tom it up pretty bad. Dark times indeed these are when smug superiority is claimed as an entitlement of educated progressives, but when they get Henry Kissinger on their show, instead of asking him why he supposes he shouldn't be wearing leg-irons and an orange jumpsuit in a courtroom in The Hague, they plug his fucking book.
The disturbing statistic which floats around out there about however many people getting all their news from The Daily Show eases one towards an understanding of why there's a whole generation out there who think they're too smart to vote.
Vile egregious mung. Crap.
utterly impossible as are all these events they are probably as like those which may have taken place as any others which may have took person at all are ever likely to be