Mayfair wrote:Mark Hansen wrote:Park Ridge
I like Park Ridge a lot.... we often see movies at the Pickwick. Seems like a nice place. Is it expensive living there?
Well, housing prices are pretty high. I know it's more expensive, housing-wise, in Park Ridge, than in , say, Des Plaines. Property taxes, I'm not sure about, as my girlfriend owns the house we live in, and she takes care of that. I just give her money each month, what it goes to is up to her. I'm pretty sure that property taxes are higher in Schaumburg than in Park Ridge, though.
The downtown is pretty revitalized, with a lot of good restaurants nearby. 2 I particularly like are Piano Piano, which is on Busse Hwy about a mile from downtown PR, and Maki Sushi, which is right around the corner from the Pickwick. The Pickwick itself is a beautiful old theatre, and believe it is on the Register of Historical Places.