
Total votes: 8 (36%)
Total votes: 14 (64%)
Total votes: 22

Place: The Suburbs

Marsupialized wrote:I know you live NEAR a city but are too cowardly to actually move INTO the city

Cowardly? NYC isn't particularly frightening. I actually like to breathe (reasonably) fresh air sometimes, and I enjoy my backyard. I enjoy the lack of traffic, etc.. etc.. etc..
I'm impressed you've decided to brave the deep end of the pool. Maybe when I get up the courage I'll try the scary city.

Place: The Suburbs

Marsupialized wrote:Imagine if you will, all the people you will never meet living in the suburbs. All the interesting characters and weird situations you will never be witness to.

You're one of the most amusing characters on this, or any other forum, I would imagine, and quite often, you have very insightful and challenging ideas which are completely seperate from your very often hilariously funny rants about... whatever. This statement, however is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen. Holy christ, you need to get out more.

Place: The Suburbs

Richard wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:Imagine if you will, all the people you will never meet living in the suburbs. All the interesting characters and weird situations you will never be witness to.

You're one of the most amusing characters on this, or any other forum, I would imagine, and quite often, you have very insightful and challenging ideas which are completely seperate from your very often hilariously funny rants about... whatever. This statement, however is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen. Holy christ, you need to get out more.

Ok, let me lay it out for you.
In the suburbs you live in a house surrounded by a lawn, your neighbor also has a huge grass barrier around his home.
The closest you get to getting to know or even observing other humans is when you are in line at the grocery store.
I live in a building with a crazy drunk downstairs, a lady cop who has sex at least 4 times a day upstairs, some shitty rock band all live together next door and a bartender lives in the basement with his lesbian sister and her ex girlfriend, who she still fucks. I know all about these people, I see them and talk to them every day.
If I was in the suburbs I bet I wouldn't even know my neighbors names.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Place: The Suburbs

Mayfair wrote:
Mark Hansen wrote:Park Ridge

I like Park Ridge a lot.... we often see movies at the Pickwick. Seems like a nice place. Is it expensive living there?

Well, housing prices are pretty high. I know it's more expensive, housing-wise, in Park Ridge, than in , say, Des Plaines. Property taxes, I'm not sure about, as my girlfriend owns the house we live in, and she takes care of that. I just give her money each month, what it goes to is up to her. I'm pretty sure that property taxes are higher in Schaumburg than in Park Ridge, though.

The downtown is pretty revitalized, with a lot of good restaurants nearby. 2 I particularly like are Piano Piano, which is on Busse Hwy about a mile from downtown PR, and Maki Sushi, which is right around the corner from the Pickwick. The Pickwick itself is a beautiful old theatre, and believe it is on the Register of Historical Places.

Place: The Suburbs

Marsupialized wrote:
Ok, let me lay it out for you.
In the suburbs you live in a house surrounded by a lawn, your neighbor also has a huge grass barrier around his home.
The closest you get to getting to know or even observing other humans is when you are in line at the grocery store.
I live in a building with a crazy drunk downstairs, a lady cop who has sex at least 4 times a day upstairs, some shitty rock band all live together next door and a bartender lives in the basement with his lesbian sister and her ex girlfriend, who she still fucks. I know all about these people, I see them and talk to them every day.
If I was in the suburbs I bet I wouldn't even know my neighbors names.

When I lived in the city, I never knew any of my neighbors, no matter where I lived. I usually like to keep to myself. I'd be very happy living in a cabin in the northern woods of Wisconsin, which is where I usually go for vacation. I really like the isolation.
Last edited by Mark Hansen_Archive on Fri Jan 05, 2007 9:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

Place: The Suburbs

Marsupialized wrote:In the suburbs you live in a house surrounded by a lawn, your neighbor also has a huge grass barrier around his home.
The closest you get to getting to know or even observing other humans is when you are in line at the grocery store.
I live in a building with a crazy drunk downstairs, a lady cop who has sex at least 4 times a day upstairs, some shitty rock band all live together next door and a bartender lives in the basement with his lesbian sister and her ex girlfriend, who she still fucks. I know all about these people, I see them and talk to them every day.
If I was in the suburbs I bet I wouldn't even know my neighbors names.

I understand what you believe the 'burbs are about, and you make some valid points about the socially insulating properties of a lawn, but it's not quite as sterile as it seems out here, and the big scary city isn't quite as exciting and "vibrant" on a daily basis as you make it out to be. It seems like your building is a great place to be, though.

Place: The Suburbs

[/quote]I live in a building with a crazy drunk downstairs, a lady cop who has sex at least 4 times a day upstairs, some shitty rock band all live together next door and a bartender lives in the basement with his lesbian sister and her ex girlfriend, who she still fucks. I know all about these people, I see them and talk to them every day. [quote]

Marsupialized, do you live in an Abel Ferrara movie?

Place: The Suburbs

HOUSTON_M wrote:
I live in a building with a crazy drunk downstairs, a lady cop who has sex at least 4 times a day upstairs, some shitty rock band all live together next door and a bartender lives in the basement with his lesbian sister and her ex girlfriend, who she still fucks. I know all about these people, I see them and talk to them every day.

Marsupialized, do you live in an Abel Ferrara movie?

no that would be boring

Josef K wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:
If I was in the suburbs I bet I wouldn't even know my neighbors names.

That's because you see a lawn as a 'Huge grass barrier'.

and you see it as what? liberating and inviting? it's a moat, man that's what it's designed to be
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

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