
Total votes: 8 (36%)
Total votes: 14 (64%)
Total votes: 22

Place: The Suburbs

Marsupialized wrote:Ok, let me lay it out for you.
In the suburbs you live in a house surrounded by a lawn, your neighbor also has a huge grass barrier around his home.

Ah ya button-pushing bastard. You're just wrong. I think the problem stems from the picture posted at the top of this thread.

Marsupialized wrote:I live in a building with a crazy drunk downstairs, a lady cop who has sex at least 4 times a day upstairs, some shitty rock band all live together next door and a bartender lives in the basement with his lesbian sister and her ex girlfriend, who she still fucks. I know all about these people, I see them and talk to them every day.

Maybe you could write a sitcom pilot. You would be the clever, witty guy, clearly superior to his neighbors, yet also benefitting, and even, yes, even learning a lesson or two from their entertaining shenanigans.

Marsupialized wrote:If I was in the suburbs I bet I wouldn't even know my neighbors names.

I bet you wouldn't either.

Place: The Suburbs

Marsupialized wrote:

Pleasure? Yes, you are missing out on everything good and fun.

Life quality?
A quality life for me is filled with excitment and fun.

When they give up on being any sort of intersting person,...they sit in their house just watch television and go to work. They have given up on meeting new people, having parties, going out, being slive. e it kills.

It depends on who you are and what you do.It doesn't really matter where you live,especially if you know your interests and who you are.
People with a weak, or no personality, wherever they live, have little to distinguish them from others.

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