Crap or Not Crap?

Of Crap
Total votes: 7 (28%)
Not of Crap
Total votes: 18 (72%)
Total votes: 25

movie-film: a scanner darkly

kerble wrote:CRAP.


1) Keano
2) Wino
3) Woody
4) Rob Downey

jesus christ, people. it was like they were hosting auditions for hollywood squares.

5) rotoscoping was pretty much inconsequential to the movie other than the "scramble suits" and the dude with all the eyes.


have you read the book? i think this rotoscoping (so everyone is using this word just like that? did i miss something?) had an important role in bringing the this-world-is-like-a-neon atmosphere of the book to the movie. and i like the fact they put a lot of effort in capturing the spirit the book, but the movie wasn't all that great. still not crap.
and why did they left the "human shaped block of hash" dialouge? it was arguably the funniest moment in all of PKD's books.

movie-film: a scanner darkly

kerble wrote:
that damned fly wrote:those that voted crap only voted so b/c of high hopes. which is your fault.

uh, no, but you can keep guessing.

It was a crap film because the actors in it were crap actors acting crappy.

got it?


the characters were about as fleshed out as pkd usually fleshed 'em out. no problems with it, really.

maybe i should mention i was intoxicated upon viewing.

still dug it.

still not crap.

nuts to yous guys.
buy my guitar. now with pictures!

movie-film: a scanner darkly

kerble wrote:5) rotoscoping was pretty much inconsequential to the movie other than the "scramble suits" and the dude with all the eyes.

Rotoscoping helped divert me from the fact that I'm paying to watch a film with Keanu in it.

I thought it was enjoyable. Yeah, some of those actors bug the shit out of me. Downey. Christ.

Crap! WF 3

movie-film: a scanner darkly

kerble wrote:
that damned fly wrote:those that voted crap only voted so b/c of high hopes. which is your fault.

uh, no, but you can keep guessing.

It was a crap film because the actors in it were crap actors acting crappy.

got it?


I could be saying this just because I am retarded for Charlie Kaufman, but I got the distinct impression that - though I sort of liked this film, his adaptation was better.

movie-film: a scanner darkly

It's been years since I enjoyed a mainstream first-run film as much as this one.

Had only the faintest memory of the book, having last read it more than twenty years ago. I bet that helped, because if I had to keep reconciling what I saw with something I recently carried out of the book, I bet that would have been distracting. I knew the main arc and sort of expected the ending.

Anyway, now I know what it takes to appreciate Keanu: mass visual gimmickry. I expected the anim stuff to get old real fast, but it didn't, hats off to Linklater and crew.

Also: Downey was really pretty good, I thought. And the June of '44 flyer was a chuckle.

Not crap, fuck a waffle


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