Bravo s Top Chef

llllllllllllllllllllllll wrote:What's with the male members of the cast hating on the little guy so much? I'm sure the guy can get annoying, but I don't think that warrants a bunch of bigger jocks threatening to beat the guy's ass at every turn.

I fucking hate Marcel. I think he's a prick. however, I agree that the ganging up on him has gotten to be too much. Now I feel bad for the smug asshole. and what the fuck was up with:

a) that one dude ragging on his cherry dish in front of everyone

b) "i just saw the guitar player from Extreme out there".

both those things suck.
kerble is right.

Bravo s Top Chef

Elia is very talented and relatively humble in comparison. She is very mature for her age even if her organizational skills are nil. I would be happy if she wins.

I don't like Marcel either, and he has an inability to see when his dishes are sucky (inability to take criticism) but the bullying and meatheadedness has gone too far with the other contestants towards him. He shouldn't win.

Sam may easily be the most talented. He's seems a little bit of a frat boy, even more so than Michael. He's a very disingenious frat boy, the kind that acts sensitive and is cultured, but he's still a frat boy through and through.

I would like to see Michael win and Ilan to go home. That would be amazing. Michael isn't mindblowingly smart or talented, but he's got something..

Bravo s Top Chef

interloper wrote:Yeah, I'll admit it. I like cooking anyway, and besides, Elia is hot.

...and smart, and she can cook. [beep] Just updated my spank bank.

I think Marcel will win if he stops with the foams. Betty's death by soup should snap him out of it. I still really want Mike to win - gotta love the guy who shows up blasted on pain pills to go on to win both challenges.

Bravo s Top Chef

kerble wrote:
llllllllllllllllllllllll wrote:What's with the male members of the cast hating on the little guy so much? I'm sure the guy can get annoying, but I don't think that warrants a bunch of bigger jocks threatening to beat the guy's ass at every turn.

I fucking hate Marcel. I think he's a prick. however, I agree that the ganging up on him has gotten to be too much. Now I feel bad for the smug asshole. and what the fuck was up with:

a) that one dude ragging on his cherry dish in front of everyone

b) "i just saw the guitar player from Extreme out there".

both those things suck.

I agree that he's taking a lot of grief, but he is a snippy officious little prick, and he baits to martyrdom.

Giant tool.

Last night's episode (faithfully recorded for The Traveling Lady) featured a scene during downtime where Marcel retreats to the roof (it is inferred that he does this often).

His voice over said the same normal song and dance about not letting things get to him, and showed him writing in a notebook. I thought that he was maybe writing a letter about how all of the folks were ganging up on him, but to my horror, he was crafting some sort of whitey rap prose which he then proceeded to umm perform.

Holy Jeesus Shit is that kid a tool.
It's like you put everything into a bottle inside itself.

Bravo s Top Chef

I like how Elia says about everything "It is just so delicious". She's delicious.

I like how Mike describes his fancy ass dishes like a stoner. Also his "trout envying the salmon" was really creative. Too bad he's gone.

Bravo s Top Chef

Not crap - W/F of 5

Here's why:

Horrendous ad placement - I know this happens on pretty much every reality based show, but if i hear one of the cast members say "Rav 4" or "Kraft" one more time, I might lose it.

I think this new season is becoming less about the cooking and more about creating a forum to chew people's asses. A lot of the excercises are incredibly narrow and ridiculuous, and they end with the judge table reading each member the riot act. If some of these excercises were more about cooking than making cheeze whiz brulee on a beach, then I would find the show a lot more engaging.

Also, I wonder how much of their rating response comes from footage of the little guy getting picked on?

Bravo s Top Chef

Sock OR Muffin? wrote:I'll admit to watching this. I've worked with so many Mikes in my cooking days I want him to win.

That last episode when he won everything, wtf? Go make some pizza shooters dude!

I worked with lots of Mikes too, and that's why I'm glad he got booted last night.

This show is not about cooking, it's about restauranteurism.

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