by steve_Archive
If this record is from that brief period where New Order just sounded like Joy Division with a different singer, then I should listen to it. I don't remember such an album existing, but it is possible.
I do remember liking little things about New Order, like the occasional guitar line, bass ornament or vocal delivery, but I remember more clearly all the stuff I disliked:
*Linn Drum benching a fantastic and unique drummer.
*Defining a supremely phony sound that became ubiquitous.
*Sequencer as principle performer
*Roland Jazz Chorus
*Mock-scratching, DDL loops and symphonic stab samples
Joy Division was bleak, timeless (not of its time) and energetic. New Order was urbane, self-conciously modern, lazy and kitschy. Being unkind, I could call it club music. And detestable.
Although I haven't listened to them enough recently to be sure of it, I'm inclined to say fuck New Order. They knew what they were capable of and did this Arthur Baker crap instead.
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.