where are the shipping news?

obstaclecorpse wrote:more angular dreck. yippeee! losers...

Uhm, not to get in any kinda pile-on, but I think folks were labelling you a troll for the above, which smells trollish to even my relatively-unimpressed-with-Shipping-News ears, and not for just "having an opinion." Divergent opinions with some kind of analysis or thoughts to back them up usually arent labelled trolling, unless theyre just designed to get folks spinning. Based on yr posts since, I dont think the ones you gave in this thread are.

A'course, I could be wrong about alla this.
"You get a kink in your neck looking up at people or down at people. But when you look straight across, there's no kinks."
--Mike Watt

where are the shipping news?

I own "Save Everything", and although I haven't heard it many times yet... I wasn't really that impressed. It usually takes me a while to get into a band though. Especially if I am genuinly going to like them. It's funny how it works that way. I've been meaning to give it a few more listens anyways.

Anyone have an album to recommend by these guys?

Hey XBangyrdead, you should get "Very Soon, and In Pleasant Company" next. It's different from the first one. On this album there's actual, melodic singing with maybe a more songwriter-like approach, although it's not a complete departure from "Save Everything". It took a while to get used to, but it's just so fucking sad and beautiful to me. With really rockin' stuff too.

Mind you, I also love the first album, so I don't know if you'll be into "Very Soon", but I highly recommend it.

where are the shipping news?

I own "Save Everything", and although I haven't heard it many times yet... I wasn't really that impressed. It usually takes me a while to get into a band though. Especially if I am genuinly going to like them. It's funny how it works that way. I've been meaning to give it a few more listens anyways.

Anyone have an album to recommend by these guys?

Hey XBangyrdead, you should get "Very Soon, and In Pleasant Company" next. It's different from the first one. On this album there's actual, melodic singing with maybe a more songwriter-like approach, although it's not a complete departure from "Save Everything". It took a while to get used to, but it's just so fucking sad and beautiful to me. With really rockin' stuff too.

Mind you, I also love the first album, so I don't know if you'll be into "Very Soon", but I highly recommend it.

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