matthew wrote:You're right. We will never comprehend how the universe and biological life came into existence through mere scientific inquiry. Yet the question remains because the ultima thule of scientific inquiry is that things which exist are intelligible and thus an intelligence is behind them. Who or what this intelligence(s) is, scientific endeavor cannot say.
This is
completely, blatant false and so utterly fucking disproven by basic neuropsychology that anyone of any honesty and intelligence cannot make the statement without being intentionally mendacious. I find it deeply, personally offensive that you would take it upon yourself to further pollute the conversation of the world with such trite bullshit.
But I'll assume that you don't have a background in psychology, because no evidence of such is floating around here.
The human brain is wired to detect patterns. This is a basic evolutionary step (obviously, an animal must be able to recognize discrete objects so as to find food and not become it), but it is especially developed in human beings, which makes perfect sense as we survive primarily by way of our intelligence and social nature. It comes in handy when making tools, recognizing individuals (especially individual patterns of behavior, as become so important in social circumstances), describing surroundings in ways that are linguistically communicable, tracing changes over time, etc.
The upshot of this is a phenomenon commonly referred to as
apophenia - essentially, the internal generation and projection of patterns, a false positive resulting from oversensitivity. This is what makes us see faces in clouds, the Virgin Mary on sandwiches, hidden Satanic messages in reversed audio, ghosts in distorted film, conspiracies and divine miracles under every rock, etc.
Intelligibility in an object or pattern, accordingly, does not - concretely, completely, absolutely motherfucking not - require any intelligence behind the creation of that object or pattern, as intelligibility is produced in the mind of the observer, independently of the actual existence of pattern/intelligibility in the object.
Linus Van Pelt wrote:I subscribe to neither prong of your false dichotomy.