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Total votes: 40 (80%)
Total votes: 50

Band: T rex

I'm thinking the use of strings and horns in rock music probably should have ended with T. Rex. I'm calling conceptual dibs on variations of the drum pattern in "The Groover." I'm wondering where the fuck I'm going to find a Vam Power amplifier in North America, and if I'm going to have to give up my left nut to get it. I'm wondering if the T in T. Rex probably should have stood for Tony Visconti.


Band: T rex

The bass player in my first band despised Marc Bolan like no other musical personage. He once took a swing at me when he discovered the T.Rex pin I'd surreptitiously affixed to his guitar strap.

I'm not as big a fan as lots of people, and I must admit I find Bolan pretty repellent as well (can't stand to watch footage of him), but there's a stellar ninety-minute (give or take) mix tape spread across his career, which would have to include "20th Century Boy," "Raw Ramp," "Mambo Sun," "Cosmic Dancer," "Life's a Gas," "Children of the Revolution," "Monolith," "Ride a White Swan"--those are the ones that pop right into my head. There's plenty where that came from. Tyrannosaurus Rex had its moments, too.

Favorite line: The throne of time is a kingly, a kingly thing . . .

Willie Alexander told me that the secret to Bolan's vocals is to sing very softly and triple-track it (at least).

Not crap.

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