4ch Mic pre


i'm looking for a (minimum) 4 channel mic pre.
It will be used for location recording (which is why it needs to fit minimum 4 channels.)
I've looked at the TLAudio 5001II quad, which looks okay.
I've also seen the Focusrite Octopre...which i dislike very much.

So what else is there... (preferably under a 1000)

thanks chaps,


4ch Mic pre

Another vote for the Syteks. Nothing in that price range comes close. Buy direct from Mike on ebay and you'll come in a little under $1k. Great guy, very easy to deal with and very accomodating. All this on top of some really excellent preamps.

Chris Garges
Charlotte, NC

4ch Mic pre

I have both the Syteks and the HHB Radius 10 (the american version of the TL Audios you were looking at). The Syteks are a better preamp, but I really like the HHBs as well. The other HHB stuff (comps, etc.) in this price range kind of sucks, but the pres are actually pretty decent. Especially since you can score 4 channels for a little more than 400 bones on Ebay.

4ch Mic pre

I didn't know there was a transformer coupled version.

I'm interested in your comment about the Syteks not having enough low end to record your bass. It's my understanding that transformers limit bandwidth, and the Syteks being transformerless, it would seem that they would work nicely with low freqs.

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