
Total votes: 13 (14%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 82 (86%)
Total votes: 95

Band: Silkworm

I finally picked up Firewater -- had never heard it. Usually I'm crabby when I take the long bus ride home. This record turned my evening commute into an incredible experience. The guitar tones, the bass work, the drumming, the lyrics... what an amazing piece of work.

Band: Silkworm

I loved this band from the first time I heard Slow Hands on WPRB/Princeton while driving home from work. I sat in my driveway waiting for the DJ to recap the playlist so I could find out who it was. The bass, the drums, the vocals, the lyrics, the guitar and the freaking awesome solos for people who don't like solos make them one of the best indie bands IMO.

Everything sounded just enough off kilter and pissed off while still beautiful without trying to sound pretentious or way "indie." [/b]

Band: Silkworm

Brett Eugene Ralph wrote:I've only heard Lifestyle, but I like that record a lot. I need more Silkworm.

From there, I'd check out Italian Platinum, Firewater, and Libertine. I also love Developer but a lot of people do not.

But definitely go to Italian Platinum next. Kelly Hogan sings backup vocals (and lead on "Young") throughout the record. I can pretty much guarantee that you'll love her voice.

Band: Silkworm

I got a cool anti-christmas comp called « hardcore holliday » , and on the back sleeve , it is said : « Easter egg laid by Silkworm ( not detectable on all cd players )
Does anyone knows what is it about ? Is there a very well hidden song ? What kind of cd player could play it ?

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