phantom power in my patchbays

Googacky, I've had the same problem trying to find these, and have decided to just not normal my tie lines so I'll be using up extra patch cables all the time (oh well). I gave up, but if you're still looking here's some info I picked up in my search:
ADC made sleeve normalling jacks with the part number JJ-075, Switchcraft made the MT-336a, which is a 1/4" version (the "MT" means 1/4". "TT" or whatever it was + "-336" with or without the "a" yielded no results) and Audio Accessories made the 322A - mil JJ-075 which, I would assume, was a cross reference for the ADC. I never found anyone selling any of these, just some obsoleted distrobution part numbers. I actually never found datasheets confirming that the JJ was even a TT, it could be 1/4" too. There was some info on the MT-336a, so if 1/4" works for you, you should be able to find something. I got these part numbers out of a random app note put out by Benchmark in the late 90's called "A Clean Audio Installation Guide." I don't remember where I got it, but I'm sure you can find it if you want to (or if you give me an address, I can email you a pdf), there is a reference guide in the back that could lead you to additional info, but the mention of these jackfields in the app note was minimal. It seems bleak, but maybe you'll have better luck than I. Hope this helps...

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