matthew wrote:steve wrote:matthew wrote:... the ultima thule of scientific inquiry is that things which exist are intelligible and thus an intelligence is behind them. Who or what this intelligence(s) is, scientific endeavor cannot say.
ultima thule heh.
This is why you are a retard: That I understand something doesn't mean someone made it for me to understand. My cat knocks over a bowl of dried beans and some fall to the floor. I count them, and see that there are ten of them. The number of beans on the floor was not decided by the cat, it was a chance event. I only discerned how many there were by counting. Nobody intended there to be exactly ten of them, yet there they are, exactly ten. What are the odds? Astronomical! Not every household even has a cat! Astronomical odds against such a thing happening! Not eleven, but ten! Precisely ten!
Do you see? Something happened, and I was able to understand it after the fact. This does not imply intent on the part of the cat, nor design in the spillage of the beans. Nor any significance to the number of beans on the floor. It just turned out there were ten of them.
And I suppose that this sophistry is supposed to overthrow the fact that things are at their foundations intelligible? I refute it thus by striking the keys of my new Gateway notebook.
breaking news: we don't understand the foundations of things.
not that it changes the fact that you're wrong about intelligiblity of things implying existance of god.