Alan Vega?

Crap (No votes)
Not Crap?
Total votes: 7 (100%)
Total votes: 7

Solo: Alan Vega

So what do you think? Crap/Not Crap?

Personally I really like Collison Drive and Saturn Strip, even though they are pretty uneven. The rest of his albums are not as good, but all of them have something, and I actually still put them on once in a while. But then again I really like Alan Vega.

So, Not Crap for me.

Solo: Alan Vega

Retro French video for Jukebox Baby (1980).

I just don't know. I love Suicide's first album so much. He has a maniacal quality but to use a cliché I think they were much greater than the sum of their parts and hearing him solo misses the mark for me. Ju'bo' baby. Ju'bo' baby.

(While looking for this on YouTube I found a marvellous quote regarding a vintage Suicide performance.)

I don't feel like watching some indian fool have a seizure for 5 min.

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