Check out my recording studio

ipitcher wrote:Colin, did Steve really call your Warr guitar a "skateboard"? Kevin told me that a while ago, and I still laugh when I think about it.
Why did you change the name from "Paincave"?

Step inside my pain cave and I'll bludgeon you.

hey ian!
yes he he did. i believe it was when i left the control room to go to the bathroom and he said "Dude forgot his skateboard."

the studio is so much larger than my old one and has so many god damn hall ways and rooms that it could be nothing less than the thousand caves. but obviously i wanted to stick with the cave theme.

Check out my recording studio

greg wrote:You should level the floor in your playing room.

How's the APR 24 working for you?

hey greg,

the sony sounds great although the transport is increadibly loud! i mix in the computer, which is good because i don't know how anyone would be able to hear a mix over all the background noise. the guy i bought it from said that it was always that loud since he bought it new, and that it wasn't old bearings.

one problem with it (which maybe someone can help with)--i've noticed tiny bits of shredded tape after a few hours of use. and i think the final fast guide after the play head might be misaligned since i think that's where near where most of the bits seem to land. should i try to adjust it?

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