My Bloody Valentine?

Total votes: 11 (11%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 86 (89%)
Total votes: 97

Band: My Bloody Valentine

Even though it doesn't sound like it when you listen to my band, but they are my single biggest guitar/sonic influence.....well, it is probably noticable on our song "parched lips"....I am not saying they are my biggest overall musical influence but I truly love everything about them....all three phases of MVB are brilliant! Suck it.
Give me a place to live in NYC and I will play in your band

Yay! I have a Myspace page!

Band: My Bloody Valentine

Not Crap. The EPs You Made Me Realise, Tremolo, and Glider were the high points, but I have much love for both Isn't Anything and Loveless too. Catch me on the right day and I'll swear that "You Made Me Realise" is the perfect song. Still mad I skipped their live show with the extra-deafening 40-minute version of it.

eephour wrote:Isnt My Bloody Valentine a fucking Simpsons reference?

No, it refers to the movie. Anyway the band got started in 1984, well before the TV show.
Last edited by ctrl-s_Archive on Thu Jan 18, 2007 9:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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