Chi, Ki, Qui - whatever

All in the mind
Total votes: 11 (44%)
May the force be with you
Total votes: 14 (56%)
Total votes: 25

Chi, Ki, Qui - whatever

So I've been doin a bit of martial arts the last few months and done some accompanying reading and keep coming across this here Chi (Ki, Qui - whatever).

Now these Chinese types are bright but as far as I know there is no scientific evidence for this Chi energy. (no mainstream scientific evidence anyway. It does sound very similar to Reich's Orgone life energy, force - whatever)

Now I know we've got some scientist inquisitors in here as well as some 'spiritually open' types so what's you all think?

I'm open minded on the subject. Inclined to think these ancient dudes are clicked onto something and I sure wouldn't mess with em but I also have what i consider a healthy dose of skepticism about all things.

So - all in the mind or is the force with you?

Chi, Ki, Qui - whatever

Matter is energy. Awareness of chi is awareness of this fact. The human body has paths that chi flows along. Chinese medicine works. A man will cut a rock in half without any japanese-style shouting. Chi is there, and it isn't a ghost. It is what you are and it flows through you. There is nothing supernatural about it. It's just you, using the stuff you are made up of and which connects to everything in the universe. It's not a ghost or a metaphysical concept. Matter = energy = chi.

Chi, Ki, Qui - whatever

John C3 wrote:Matter = energy = chi.
very nice post!

there's an exercise in Qigong where you just stand straight and hold your hands in front of your belly, palm to palm in short distance. if you train that often you will start to feel the energy float between your hands, like you would hold a magnet in each hand. pretty impressive.

I'm going to a tai chi shool for about an year. it's so great!

Chi, Ki, Qui - whatever

John C3 wrote:A man will cut a rock in half without any japanese-style shouting.

I've read this but I've never seen this.

John C3 wrote:Chi is there, and it isn't a ghost. It is what you are and it flows through you. There is nothing supernatural about it.

I've said elsewhere I think the word supernatural is a meaningless one so I would never dispute that using various exercises people can gain a sense of some kind of energy running through them. But that could be a psychological thing (which isn't to demean it in any way. Psychology is obviously massively significant and I am pretty sure that people can psychosomatically affect their own bodies). But claiming it can make someone break rocks is suggesting that this can be used as some kind of force that works beyond your own body and mind. Is there any evidence for that?
Anymore than there is for say, people being healed at Lourdes?

Chi, Ki, Qui - whatever

The Western understanding of medicine and, by extension, what one can do as a human is very narrow. Chinese medicine is about heightening and strengthening what is natural, not performing magic tricks.

I think Qigong is a good example of how Chinese practices can strengthen what is natural.

These guys practice Hard Qigong.

This guy is very impressive (wait for the end; and don't say anything about camera tricks).

Of course, Western medicine does not recognize things such as Qi because it is not inherent in our thought system. Like John C3 said, the existence of matter could be argued as a form of Qi. Qigong, and other forms of Chinese exercise (like Tai Chi), are simply a manipulation of this matter. The more I read about advanced science, such as Quantum Mechanics/Theory, the more I see that our universe is one that we are not even close to understanding correctly.

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