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Chi, Ki, Qui - whatever - Page 3 - Premier Rock Forum

Chi, Ki, Qui - whatever

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Chi, Ki, Qui - whatever

newberry wrote:
Harder to say, since some things associated with it are clearly explicable scientifically and some aren't.

Could you provide an example of something associated with Chi that is not scientifically explainable? Could it be that some well trained, disciplined humans are capable of extraordinary physical prowess because of natural abilities alone?
What I mean by "not scientifically explainable" is more "okay seriously I have no idea why this fucking works" - logically speaking, everything can be explained in a scientific fashion but it might require science we haven't described yet. Acupuncture is a good example of such, as (beyond the simple fact that it seems to work on people) it's been experimentally proven to have greater success that a placebo needle treatment. At this point we're left with something that works without any explanation of how.

One the explainable end, many ki-related feats translate rather simply into physical language. A number of uses of ki can be described in terms of kinetic energy or intertia simply by substituting the word, one of the central points for ki corresponds pretty much dead on with the center of gravity of a person in the proper stance to exploit it, etc.

And, of course, it's definitely the case that trained, disciplined individuals are capable of incredible feats, though the intentionality and discipline are definitely more important than physical prowess. The human body has quite a bit of untapped potential. A recent test (by National Geographic) found that a champion muay thai fighter was throwing knee kicks that had about the same amount of impact as a 35 mph car crash, and that's not a matter of superhuman abilities (though he's hardly out of shape) - it's about shifting body mass and precise alignment.

Linus Van Pelt wrote:I subscribe to neither prong of your false dichotomy.

Chi, Ki, Qui - whatever

bassdriver wrote:
newberry wrote:Matter and energy can be shown scientifically to exist. Can chi? If not, why not?

there's no proof for psyche/spirit/soul or consciousness either. but saying that they don't exist would be....erm...funny?

I haven't said that Chi doesn't exist (I strive to keep an open mind, and will gladly look at any evidence). I don't believe in a supernatural "soul" -- is that funny? If Chi is a specific type of energy, why can't it be measured? Is Chi more like energy, or is it something supernatural like the soul? How do you know Chi energy exists?

newberry wrote:Could you please provide an example of a specific ailment that Chinese medicine undoubtedly can cure/treat?

so millions of people who get better due to TCM are just mistaken?

You're jumping ahead here. Could you provide the example? And are there controlled, double blind studies that show the Chinese treatment was really efficacious? I have no doubt that millions of people believe that Chinese medicine works. Maybe it does really work. If so, clinical trials should demonstrate that.

If you have a headache, and I give you a pill for it, and 20 minutes later the headache goes away--does that prove that the pill cures headaches? No, because it could be the placebo effect, or the headache could have ended of its own accord (most symptoms of ailments come and go without any treatment, so bogus cures often seem to be working).

I have not stated that Chi isn't real, or that Chinese medicine doesn't work, by the way.
Last edited by newberry_Archive on Sun Jan 21, 2007 12:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Chi, Ki, Qui - whatever

What I mean by "not scientifically explainable" is more "okay seriously I have no idea why this fucking works" - logically speaking, everything can be explained in a scientific fashion but it might require science we haven't described yet.

If you have no idea why it works, how do you know it's Chi? There are a great many things that science hasn't yet understood, and maybe never will. If there is a lack of evidence about something, you can make stuff up, but that doesn't make it true. It used to be thought that ill people were possessed by demons. Then we learned about germs and bacteria and viruses.

Why is it that science can't measure Chi (correct me if I'm wrong), but non-scientists "know" it exists? How does anyone know Chi exists?

And, of course, it's definitely the case that trained, disciplined individuals are capable of incredible feats, though the intentionality and discipline are definitely more important than physical prowess. The human body has quite a bit of untapped potential. A recent test (by National Geographic) found that a champion muay thai fighter was throwing knee kicks that had about the same amount of impact as a 35 mph car crash, and that's not a matter of superhuman abilities (though he's hardly out of shape) - it's about shifting body mass and precise alignment.

I agree wholeheartedly with the above paragraph. May I ask what makes you believe that Ki exists? And is it natural or supernatural, in your view?
Last edited by newberry_Archive on Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Chi, Ki, Qui - whatever

that damned fly wrote:what about the dude who can start a fire with his hands and shock you with his body.

i'd call him proof.

If I scoot around in my socks, I can shock you with my body. If I use a match, I can start a fire with my hands.

I don't believe in Qi or Chi or Kee or Qui. I don't believe in thing that are demonstrated with obvious set-piece magic tricks. Phooey. It's for suckers.
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.

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