andyman wrote:Documentaries (i'm not saying they're totally reliable) have been made exploring the topic with some claiming that qi is an actual energy with healing/strengthening properties that is secreted from somewhere in the abdomen.
I wouldn't disregard it based on a couple of videos...
It's hard or impossible to prove a negative, so you're correct that the videos do not disprove Qi; nor do they prove Qi.
So where is the evidence that Qi really exists?
Acupuncture is a good example of such, as (beyond the simple fact that it seems to work on people) it's been experimentally proven to have greater success that a placebo needle treatment.
Does anyone know where I can find evidence that acupuncture works better than a placebo? IIRC, you can get the same or similar effect by putting needles in the "wrong" or random locations. IOW, acupuncture can have a positive therapeutic effect, but not for the reasons given by acupuncturists.