Bands you LOVE that people give you shit for

Gramsci wrote:Helmet

People who don't like Helmet are mentally ill - not stupid, just sick and unable to grasp reality properly. Don't pay them any attention Gramsci.

I like Down (you know, the awfull band with Phill Anselmo from Pantera) - I can't help it. People give me shit for this.

EDIT - I've just re-read this thread and noticed that there are quite a few G'n'R lovers out there... so I'm taking out the thing I said. I don't get it. I'm suprised at y'all.

Bands you LOVE that people give you shit for

i love the misfits, especially Earth A.D. Thus I am hated by both people who think the Misfits are a punk band for 13 year old girls playing with glitter AND the hardcore Misfits fans who think Earth A.D. is their worst album.

MAN I love that album.

I also love the helmet song 'blacktop.' I can-not stop listening to it. As a whole I can't say I like the band, and Page Hamilton is an awful, awful lyricist, but my god 'Blacktop' is pretty much perfect. Ever seen the video? It's on youtube.
Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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