i had a liter of hefewiesen at the map room on the first day of summer. it was really hit the spot. paulaner, erdinger, and ayinger all make great ones.
on tyskie: i've been drinking the shit out of it lately. it's only 1.19/25 ounce bottle at jewel. i don't find it especially good, but it's all right.
i think point is a fine beer but maybe a little sweet compared to my preffered midwetern premium domestic lager -leinie's. both company's "fancy" beers are for the birds though.
dekoninck is pretty great, especially with quiche for some reason.
i really like lindeman's raspberry lambic. i haven't liked the other flavors i've tried so much though.
asahi is probably my favorite japanese beer. better than kirin in my opinion. the ones with the owl on the label are pretty good too.
you can't go wrong with bell's amber, although their seasonals are pretty wack sometimes.
and finally, there's something great about a high life and a ham sandwich on a sunny afternoon.
The Worlds Best Brews!
92I recieved another shipment from the Beer of the Month club (it was supposed to run out last April or so) and this month I got some Shipyard Brewing Co. (Maine), featuring Predule Special Ale and Bluefin Stout, and Brooklyn Brewery, featuring Brooklyn Brown Ale and Brooklyn Lager.
I have a very soar throat and am therefore not drinking any beer at the moment. Any opinions on these?
I have a very soar throat and am therefore not drinking any beer at the moment. Any opinions on these?
The Worlds Best Brews!
93Tree wrote:...Brooklyn Brewery, featuring Brooklyn Brown Ale and Brooklyn Lager.
I have a very soar throat and am therefore not drinking any beer at the moment. Any opinions on these?
The Brooklyn Brown is really good. I'll be there next week actually, and I'm planning on consuming as much of it as humanly possible.
Oh, and fuck Mars Volta.
The Worlds Best Brews!
94I have been on a triple trip lately. Grimbergen en Leffe are both fine, but Karmeliet takes the cake in my book. I'm currently on the look out for Urthel Hibernus Quentum, which is said to be the absolute pinnacle of triple beers (and anyway, you can't really go wrong with a name like that).
La Chouffe seems to not have been mentioned in this thread. Wonderful stuff, honey-coloured brilliance with a slightly bitter aftertaste. Something I always return to. Look for the bottle with the gnome on it. Highly recommended.
Duvel is an old favorite, it's the beer I usually drink at home.
Also, and I'm alone in this among my peers, but I also really enjoy a Guiness on a saturday afternoon while perusing the weekend papers. Pure fucking bliss.
La Chouffe seems to not have been mentioned in this thread. Wonderful stuff, honey-coloured brilliance with a slightly bitter aftertaste. Something I always return to. Look for the bottle with the gnome on it. Highly recommended.
Duvel is an old favorite, it's the beer I usually drink at home.
Also, and I'm alone in this among my peers, but I also really enjoy a Guiness on a saturday afternoon while perusing the weekend papers. Pure fucking bliss.
The Worlds Best Brews!
96Maybe I overlooked it, but it seems that no one has mentioned Bells Kalamazoo yet. I'm a big fan of most of their beers. They make a great pale (not over-hopped like sierra) and many other fine beers.
"he probably felt like he owed me something since he just skullfucked me with a drill"
The Worlds Best Brews!
97Have you heard that Bell's, due to a dispute, and Illinois' archaic and protective laws regarding distribution, no longer has an Illinois distributor? There was a big story about it in The Reader not too long ago.
Available in hit crimson or surprising process this calculator will physics up your kitchen
The Worlds Best Brews!
kerble is right.
The Worlds Best Brews!
Newky Brown? When I was a teenager in Cheshire, we used to hang around the shops drinking this if we felt like projecting a more adult vibe.
If we wanted to be sophisticated, we'd be seen with Miller Genuine Draft. And we'd refer to it casually as "MGD", because we were that cool.