Big Ray

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Not Crap
Total votes: 5 (100%)
Total votes: 5

Outdoors Dude: Ray Mears

Not crap, but very very odd.

His must be a lonely lot. I mean, I'm sometimes appalled at modern urban life, but you imagine that after a quick walk through a modern city, Ray must be desperate toget 200 miles from the nearest human, make himself a nest out of birch twigs and chow down on some body-reheated goat droppings with lychen garnish

Outdoors Dude: Ray Mears

Perfectly likeable and affable - no smear on Mr Mears from me!

All I meant was that given what he knows, and the sort of life he must have led to learn it, a lifestyle he clearly loves and cherishes, modern urban life with its novelty ringtones, celebrity Big Brother, all night McDonalds, Playstations etc must seem even more tawdry to him than it does at times to the rest of us.
yaledelay wrote:FUCK YOU APPLE PIE you are a old man...

Outdoors Dude: Ray Mears

I saw him walking up The Strand after what appeared to have been a shopping trip to Bond Street. He's much skinnier when he isn't foraging for batshit in subtropical climes. I imagine he chubs up prior to a series to help him cope with the reduction in calories/exposure to cold/whatever he's expecting, but I'd rather believe that he's just a greedy fucker and likes to eat his hosts out of their mudhuts.

"Please, Mr Whitey, you have skinned and spitroasted virtually all of our ferrets, we won't be able to make it through the winter!"

"Yeah, but now you're on TV - and it's not like you'd have got famous for these stinky animal hides you have the audacity to call 'clothes'. Now fuck off and find me ketchup to go with these twatters"

Outdoors Dude: Ray Mears

One day I'm going to take a salt-shaker down to the beach and catch me some razor clams. I love those things.

Ray seems like an affable guy if a little obsessed - the last time I saw him on TV foraging for grub he was nibbling a little bit of compost from the Pleistocene era that had been pulled out of a lake in a silt core. Also, whenever I see him I always think of Bob Mortimer scratching his arse against a tree stump in his 'Forest Survival' sketch from Shooting Stars.

Outdoors Dude: Ray Mears

cjh wrote:the last time I saw him on TV foraging for grub he was nibbling a little bit of compost from the Pleistocene era that had been pulled out of a lake in a silt core.

I saw that one the other week, couldn't really figure out what tasting it prooved, surely you can tell if it has sand in or not by rubbing it between your fingers :? Odd.

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