Teen Spirit?

kenoki wrote:would him shooting himself in the face also be a 10? cause i don't really think the two are equal on the depressing scale. not that either has gotten me depressed, but in theory. i'm thinking the journal places more as a 3, the suicide a 6 and mass genocide a 10.

It is more depressing that the journal is published than that he killed himself because of how pathetic it is that this "journal" market exists. Just think of all of the participants in this particular market -- the "idea" folks, the producers, the marketers, the distributors, the retailers, and the consumers. All of this says a lot more about the human condition than one man's decision to shoot himself in the face.

Teen Spirit?

drew patrick wrote:
kenoki wrote:would him shooting himself in the face also be a 10? cause i don't really think the two are equal on the depressing scale. not that either has gotten me depressed, but in theory. i'm thinking the journal places more as a 3, the suicide a 6 and mass genocide a 10.

It is more depressing that the journal is published than that he killed himself because of how pathetic it is that this "journal" market exists. Just think of all of the participants in this particular market -- the "idea" folks, the producers, the marketers, the distributors, the retailers, and the consumers. All of this says a lot more about the human condition than one man's decision to shoot himself in the face.

would you say the same about great writers whose journals were released posthumusly? collections of letters? i think we were all made to be curous about people we don't know, thus the market exists. (oh and i guess my point is i don't think it's that depressing). (except maybe...) (ok, it is...)

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