pastime: videogames
123the pussies in here that don't like ROCK are going to get it with my plasma cannon.
kerble is right.
pastime: videogames
124You mean "Love Gun", right?kerble wrote:
the pussies in here that don't like ROCK are going to get it with my plasma cannon.
Rift Canyon Dreamspwalshj wrote:I have offered you sausage.
pastime: videogames
127I doubt it's as cool as Crüe Ball.
Rift Canyon Dreamspwalshj wrote:I have offered you sausage.
pastime: videogames
129stackmatic wrote:
If it weren't for video games, these photos would not have reason to exist. I am very glad that these photos exist. Therefore, I vote Not Crap.
[note: make sure to click on each photo to appreciate them in full size]
They all look like twerps.
pastime: videogames
130eephour wrote:What about the table tennis game? That looks fun.
I've heard good things but why not just leave the house and go play ping-pong? I don't know how I manage to be a video game player and avoid this kind of mentality; a friend obsesses over being an expert at guitar hero and yet he has a real guitar that is collecting dust, I am puzzled by this.