Your First Band

The first 'band' I was in was called Exploiting Reality. I played bass, I never met the drummer and I would just practice the songs over and over with the guitarist, who was really into Smashing Pumpkins (a band I loathe). I got bored with it and stopped showing up to practice. A few months later I unexpectedly saw the 'band' play with a new bassist. They were terrible. I don't even count this as a first band.

The first REAL band I was in was called The Black Frames. We were a 'punky ska with no horns' kind of band. We had silly descendents-esque songs about food and some serious ones about youth and a 'political song'. It was fun. We ended up playing at Bottom Lounge, which was really fun. We never ended up recording an album, but I ripped the audio for all the VHS footage I had of us playing and practicing and made an album out of it. Maybe I'll release it if I ever run an indie label...
(Winters In Osaka)

Your First Band

I had to go back and check the timeline to see which I did first, join a band or start my own.

My first show as burun (which was a catchall name for me playing solo or with a band) was in the winter of 1998, I think. That was a pretty great show, despite the fact that I was so nervous I puked in the bathroom. I wore my collegiate crew uniform, wraparound sunglasses, and sat down to play because I was positive I would fall over from nerves.

Also on the bill were Juneau, who cooked bacon as part of their set. I developed an instant crush on their drummer, John Widger. What can I say, he had sparrow tattoos. He still lives here, judging by this.

I think Purple Ivy Shadows played too.

I finally retired the name last year because...I dunno, just didn't make me smile like it used to.

In the spring of 1999 I joined a band, briefly, one of a long sting of hired guns for a difficult frontperson. Some days I regret it greatly.
I make music/I also make pretty pictures

Your First Band

Oh, this is a good thread.

My first band was called Thunder Egg. It was formed on the last day on 9th grade. Me on bass. Pretty weird song structures and mostly silly/weird songs. We got more serious musically as time went on - eventually broke up because the band wanted to keep getting bigger (which we really werent at all), and I wanted to do other stuff like not invest a lot of money into the band.

We had a ritual of practicing at the drummers house every friday, then playing videogame breaks with pizza and whatever else suited our moods. It was an extremely relaxed setting - something I wish I had the space to do here. Probably one of the most fun periods of my life. Ill post some ridiculous pics of us later along with Mp3s. I know Ill get tortured by you guys for these songs, but whatever, I could have been in Just Ducky...

Your First Band

The first actual band I was in was called Punk. We started during my junior year of high school. I came up with the name to antagonize the "punks" around town. I tried to be a part of that scene, but those kids were too busy being into Rancid, Operation Ivy, the Misfits, and stuff like that to take a guy who preferred Sonic Youth, Unwound, Blonde Redhead, Shellac, and stuff like that seriously.

Anyway, we were instrumental (which no one in our town really understood since they'd never seen an instrumental rock band, before). Some of the songs were actually pretty respectable, though our keyboard player was (and remains) obsessed with fucking Type O Negative, so sometimes he used those awful fucking strings mixed with choir or piano mixed with choir sounds, which I consider to be some of the most grating and awful keyboard settings of all time.
We broke up when our keyboardist decided that he wanted us to be more appealing and start writing songs with vocals, even though our music really didn't have a place for singing. The dude even tried ripping off the singing style of that wanker from Type O Negative.
The guitarist and I ended up forming another band, the obnoxiously named The Friendly Universal Caring Kind. That was just two guitars and a drummer. It was basically an extension of Punk, but much better.
Here is one of our songs. I actually still like it, which is surprising since it was probably written over six years ago.
We also had this annoying habit of naming everything Song 1 or Song 2 and so on. Some songs had clever titles like "How About I Fuck You" and "Fetus Beating."

Your First Band

My first band was called The Garden Dwarves. It was terrible, we were a typical five members band (two guitars, drummer, bass player(me) and a drummer). After 6 months, the drummer left the band because he started his theology studies to become a priest.

A year later, the singer started to play guitar, we both kicked everyone out of the band and found a new drummer to finally form our trio which was called Marvel.
We never released anything but played a lot of gigs. Later a friend who was a much better musician than us joined us on the guitar. I think the highlight of Marvel was to support Come during the Don't Ask Don't Tell tour in 1994. Some people in Lausanne (switzerland) still talk about our band, apparently we were pretty good.
I have a few pictures but they need to be scanned.

The cool thing is that today I still play with the singer/guitarist from this first band in my actual band.

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