
Total votes: 18 (100%)
NOT CRAP (No votes)
Total votes: 18

Band: Phish

I have never heard a note of Phish' music. I have read much about them. I hear they are fucking hippies. Therefore, in my simple, judgemental, book, they are fucking stinking fucking scumbags, and they deserve fucking shooting. Fucking jamming hippie fucking scum. They should be killed. Why does my personal right wing consist solely of one very simple prejudice against hippies? I don't know. All I know is nothing has come along to change my fascist little mind. DIE YOU DIRTY FILTHY STINKING HIPPIES, DIE. I'm sure they love their mum like I do mine.

Band: Phish

johnnyshape wrote:I have never heard a note of Phish' music. I have read much about them. I hear they are fucking hippies. Therefore, in my simple, judgemental, book, they are fucking stinking fucking scumbags, and they deserve fucking shooting. Fucking jamming hippie fucking scum. They should be killed. Why does my personal right wing consist solely of one very simple prejudice against hippies? I don't know. All I know is nothing has come along to change my fascist little mind. DIE YOU DIRTY FILTHY STINKING HIPPIES, DIE. I'm sure they love their mum like I do mine.

i believe what we can expect next is for johnnyape to come over on a boat and hand them all smallpox blankets, and then exterminate them and steal all their shit and such. bravo, fascist!
LVP wrote:If, say, 10% of lions tried to kill gazelles, compared with 10% of savannah animals in general, I think that gazelle would be a lousy racist jerk.

Band: Phish

Phish were just about as crap as you can get. Even worse- Phish fans. But they're broken up now. So it's ok.

Grateful Dead. Hmm.When I bought the 1000 Hurts LP, I thought "Huh. Looks a little bit like Dick's Picks." Then that joke on the playout groove:

What's orange and looks good on hippies?

Tiny Monk site and blog

Band: Phish

Why does everybody keep talking about the Dead?

Phish are crap. The thing that always gets me about them is that they can't really play. Their time is atrocious and they usually sound like they just didn't bother learning their parts. And they can't sing. Or write songs. And they cover songs for absolutely no reason and make even good songs sound terrible. Truly artless crap.

Band: Phish

Wait, wait, maaaan...I saw them at Red Rocks back in '92. They were groovin' out their tunes while they were all jumpin' on trampolines, man. It was like they were bouncin' around and my mind was openin' up. They can play for sure, and they don't neeeeeed to learn parts, dude. It's all just flowin' through. It flows. They play my brain like a kaliedoscopic daydream.


Seaside Lounge wrote:Phish are crap. The thing that always gets me about them is that they can't really play. Their time is atrocious and they usually sound like they just didn't bother learning their parts. And they can't sing. Or write songs. And they cover songs for absolutely no reason and make even good songs sound terrible. Truly artless crap.

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