Your First Band

My first band, I played drums. It was a pop punk/ harcore punk type affair, 'politcally' motivated lyrics about disease and the church. We covered bands like MDC and Dag Nasty and were directly influenced by them too. We basically just ripped them off. We ended up getting popier and poppier though, we started covering NoFX and Jawbreaker and sounding like them, which was OK.

Pretty shitty band though.

Your First Band

My first band, which I formed with my brother and a friend in the 6th grade, was called The Strange Cow Molesters. We would write lyrics on our own (sample: "Syphilis / what a friendly disease / syphilis / it rots from your dick to your knees") and then shout them into a microphone when we "practiced," which consisted of making a lot of noise. We were probably better than early Pussy Galore.

My first band to actually play shows (at the high school!) was called The Pine Weasles, and we were terrible. I played bass, and I knew even then we were terrible. Our singer, who couldn't sing, wrote songs with titles like "Hippie Woman Child." Another song opened with the line "Sitting on the barstool again." Ah, yes, all those memories of sitting on the bar stool while 16 years old! The guitarist absolutely could not play at all, yet he refused to switch instruments for even one song.

The drummer (Jay) and my brother formed a little side project called Nasal Sex Drive, who played Flipper-esque songs, albeit badly and uninterestingly. Yet we were still better than Pussy Galore!
My grunge/northwest rock blog

Your First Band

The first band I was in was called Tobias. 1978 or thereabouts, I think...they let me be in the band for some reason, though they already had a better drummer. He (Thymme Jones) bought a moog odyssey monophonic synth and played that on some songs, on others, we just had 2 drummers. We had 2 guitarists, occasionally in tune with eachother and a bassist that deserved better. Never played a show.
Mike G.

Your First Band

I didn't start playing guitar till I was about 18 so my first band was called Reynolds and (technically anyway) I am still in it as we did a reunion show before Xmas.
It struck me that in not really knowing what to do or how to play properly you often come up with much cooler things than you would do years down the line. You just might not know what to do with them.
Rick Reuben wrote:We're all sensitive people
With so much love to give, understand me sugar
Since we got to be... Lets say, I love you

Your First Band

My first band was called Worthless Pride (wince), we were a bunch of 9th graders playing fast metal, it was great fun; we recorded some cool demo tapes and played around Seattle until the Accused poached our drummer, a guy named Nick. He was a great, creative drummer, and the Accused toured Europe with him, though Nick quit after about 6 months because as he said at the time, he didn't see the Accused going anywhere.

Last I heard, via mutual friends, Nick's out of the military, and really, really into crystal meth.

So glad Nick picked the higher road.

The dumbass.

Your First Band

the first band I was in was Oop Ack Blah! It was my 7th grade self and my friend on sort of homemade instruments (basically banging on whatever was handy and memorably mimicking a sort of scratching sound by rubbing the microphone on our knees) and shouting goofy songs. There might be tapes somewhere, I have no clue what it might sound like.

Your First Band

My first band was called The Stool Pigeons. We covered the entire Alice in Chains catalog, along with Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Nirvana, Tool, others.

We recorded a ton of tapes of originals that were in the vein of the entire Alice in Chains catalog, along with Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Nirvana, Tool, others.

We played a couple 4-H talent shows and some parties. After awhile we changed our name to Avarice because we thought it sounded cooler. We mainly thought is was cool because we found the word in an issue of Hustler.
drew patrick wrote:Peripatetic will win.

Your First Band

my first band didn't have a name. the guitarist polled the girls asking them what they wanted to hear- given a choice limited by his flavours which included such jems as mr big. we all left that band and created a new band. the only cover that band did was the theme for batman. eventually our singer was expelled from school, after which we found a new singer from the local boy's school (ie. not the catholic school i went to). that band did a couple of cool gigs involving vodka, at one of which we played 'biltzkreig bop'.
the first real gigging band i was in was called 'playhouse something'. we used to play almost every friday night at the penguin club in oamaru ( a shitty little east coast, south island town in new zealand) and a couple of gigs in dunedin and christchurch. the guitarist was a bit of a 'goth' and is now doctor (that scares me a bit, but he was a total nerd). the band was much less goth after i joined. we found a hot girl to play the bass. we did a couple of covers: amelia- by the mission-- but all electric and intense, umas and 100%, but they were just for fun. we could play for a couple of hours easy with only those covers. indie kids. early 90s, rocking it like we were today.

Your First Band

My first band was called Hosemobile, but bears no relation to the EA forum member of the same name. I think this was started in 1994 when I was a sophomore in high school...not totally sure about that though. I played guitar and sang. I'm not really sure how to define it, other than pretty bad...mostly power chords and stupid lyrics. I was writing most of the songs and was listening to stuff like mudhoney and dead kennedys, but all the songs ended up sounded like classic rock or something. We covered a Herman's Hermits song. We played a few shows. I don't have any recordings at all and I'm not that sad about it. I do remember some of the lyrics to one song. They are hilarious (in retrospect):

The only verse I can remember:
What is this hypocrisy
This is not democracy
The people inside, they cannot see
They will not let us be free

The people scream for change
The government will not rearrange
I know what's in store
I know what they're here for
It's a political war!
The Chrome Robes-Busted Canoe

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