The current pope was a Hitler Youth

What do you want? The papacy has been taken hostage by a splinter wing of evil cardinals since 1975. That's the hidden Third Secret Of Fatima.
It has long been claimed that Pope Paul VI was impersonated during the last years of his pontificate. Contemporary commentators pointed to what appeared to be height discrepancies during balcony appearances at St Peter's Square.

It has also been noted that after 1975, Pope Paul's facial appearance changed markedly. One photo comparison appears to show a disappearing birthmark on the Pope's left cheek .
Another photographic comparison shows that the Pope's alleged 'double' apparently had a narrower cranium, a fatter face, a shorter nose, larger eyes, slightly more hair and a wider jaw , although these photographs were taken years apart and the changes may be byproducts of the aging process.
More difficult to dismiss are apparent differences in the shape of the Pope's ear and nose, also visible.

Voiceprint analysis of Paul reciting various blessings on different occasions has also been cited as evidence indicating impersonation .

Theories about why the Pope might have been impersonated range from the dramatic (imprisonment of the real Pope by evil Cardinals) to the mundane (a chronic health condition preventing public appearances). Many religious fanatics have put forward claims which involve such esoteric theological concepts as the antiChrist, the Third Secret of Fatima, etc

I think if you look at the ears, the chin, and the nostrils, you will see that these are two different men.

The real Third Secret, as revealed by Our Lady of the Roses, indicates that satan entered into the highest realms of the hierarchy of the Vatican beginning in the year 1972. The following is yet more evidence of this satanic presence and power operating within the Vatican, and that the principle target for satan's attack is the Pope himself, even to this day.

The current pope was a Hitler Youth

clocker bob wrote:What do you want? The papacy has been taken hostage by a splinter wing of evil cardinals since 1975. That's the hidden Third Secret Of Fatima.
It has long been claimed that Pope Paul VI was impersonated during the last years of his pontificate. Contemporary commentators pointed to what appeared to be height discrepancies during balcony appearances at St Peter's Square.

It has also been noted that after 1975, Pope Paul's facial appearance changed markedly. One photo comparison appears to show a disappearing birthmark on the Pope's left cheek .
Another photographic comparison shows that the Pope's alleged 'double' apparently had a narrower cranium, a fatter face, a shorter nose, larger eyes, slightly more hair and a wider jaw , although these photographs were taken years apart and the changes may be byproducts of the aging process.
More difficult to dismiss are apparent differences in the shape of the Pope's ear and nose, also visible.

Voiceprint analysis of Paul reciting various blessings on different occasions has also been cited as evidence indicating impersonation .

Theories about why the Pope might have been impersonated range from the dramatic (imprisonment of the real Pope by evil Cardinals) to the mundane (a chronic health condition preventing public appearances). Many religious fanatics have put forward claims which involve such esoteric theological concepts as the antiChrist, the Third Secret of Fatima, etc

I think if you look at the ears, the chin, and the nostrils, you will see that these are two different men.

The real Third Secret, as revealed by Our Lady of the Roses, indicates that satan entered into the highest realms of the hierarchy of the Vatican beginning in the year 1972. The following is yet more evidence of this satanic presence and power operating within the Vatican, and that the principle target for satan's attack is the Pope himself, even to this day.

LMAO!! That's a GOOD one dude.

Who really cares? It's not like Catholics are know for embracing reality.

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