recommend me indie " pop" bands that doesn ´t suck.

I will definitely second these bands...

-Guided by Voices ('Bee Thousand' or 'Under the Bushes Under the Stars)
-The Walkmen

And I will add...

-dinosaur Jr.
-Archers of Loaf
-Jawbreaker - (24 hour revenge therapy)
-Leatherface (Mush)
-Thrush Hermit (Clayton Park)
-Les Savy Fav
-Modest Mouse
-Danielson - (Ships)
-Clark the band ... 0caa6a6e50

He's not a DJ, but 'MC Chris' is catchy in a really annoying sort of way...
Last edited by Swat_Archive on Thu Feb 01, 2007 7:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
(Solo stuff)
(Mellower/poppy band)

recommend me indie " pop" bands that doesn ´t suck.

holy fucking crap! went to rehearse with my band and this thread is now 3 pages long!

(and almost one page is just silly flaming.. but well.)


well... i´m a gbv freak, and i also love broken social scene, unrest, spoon, etc. now, slsk is open and i´m downloading starlight mints, teenage fanclub, grifters, autolux, and the walkmen.

djs, never heard of q-bert, dont like much dj shadow or spooky (but i like other electronica, like boards of canada or autechre for example)
so yeah, i'm a pussy.

recommend me indie " pop" bands that doesn ´t suck.

The Clean - They have an anthology on Merge...double disc...worth every penny.

Stereolab - I love all their early stuff...they get really "electronic lounge" later on.

Sloan - First like 3 or 4 records are amazing beatles meets MC5 power pop...also have been known to be an amazing live band. Canadian to boot.

The Sea and Cake, Yo La Tengo(when they feel like it), Galaxie 500, Big Star.....

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